Micro SD Card file download


Is there a way where I can connect the amb82 mini to wifi and connect my computer to the IP address to download videos off the integrated micro SD card onto my computer? I used the RecieveData example under the Wifi category but I seem to have trouble accessing the SD card library to access the files in the SD card.

Hi @alvare8,

You may refer to “File” → “Examples” → “AmebaHttp” → “Capture_Image_HTTP_Post_Image_Llava_Server”. This example demonstrate how you can access the MP4/image files on the SD card and use HTTP Post request to a HTTP server set up on your PC. You may reference this example and write your application.

Thank you.

The only options that I see when following the path are “HTTP_IFTTT_Post” and “RetrieveHttpWebs” but not the “Capture_Image_HTTP_Post_Image_Llava_Server” from what you’re referring too.

Hi @alvare8,

May I know what SDK version are you using?

Can you use 4.0.7 build or 4.0.7 early release build?

Thank you.

Are you referring to the board manager release on Arduino IDE?

It shows I’m on version 4.0.5. But doesn’t give me an option to update the board manager.

Hi @alvare8 ,

Yes, please replace these json links in your files->preferences to use the latest builds:
Stable- https://github.com/ambiot/ambpro2_arduino/raw/main/Arduino_package/package_realtek_amebapro2_index.json
Early release- https://github.com/ambiot/ambpro2_arduino/raw/dev/Arduino_package/package_realtek_amebapro2_early_index.json

Thank you.