AMB-82 - capture image + send to host controller(Linux)

I have got AMB-82. I want to connect it to controller with Linux to capture image and send it via WiFi to controller. So flow should be: controller sends capture request to amb-82 then amb-82 captures images and sends it to controller.

I have reviewed samples but I did not find any such example. Can you advice if any?

Hi @sirk77,

If your controller is a Linux device, you can set up a http server on your linux controller and amb82-mini can do post request of the image to the controller.

You may refer to this example. HTTP Post Image and MP4 — Ameba Arduino Documentation v1.1 documentation. It is not fully the same, but the idea is similar.

Thank you.

but I have only below examples:

I have used below link:
And paste the following URL into “Additional Boards Manager URLs” field:

Hi @sirk77,

May I know what is your SDK version?

Thank you.

Hi @sirk77,

Can you add these two into your preferences?

The SDK version that you should be using is 4.0.8 and above.

Thank you.

now I got it. thx

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