AMB82 Mini Camera Web Server

Can a Camera Web Server be built to integrate the video stream into an HTML Page like this: ESP32-CAM Video Streaming Web Server (works with Home Assistant) | Random Nerd Tutorials

My goal is to get the AMB82 Mini to create it’s own Wi-Fi signal
so I can connect my phone to it and open the IP Address to see the HTML Page featuring frontend elements like in the attached image. Then I can press buttons on the HTML page which will send the data back to the AMB82 which can control the GPIO.

Would be wonderful if an example design could be made for this!

Hi @evan,

Thanks for your suggestion. We do appreciate it will be nice to integrate a camera web server on AMB82-MINI. However, due to limited manpower (3 engineers) as of now. We have to put your suggestion in the pending stage if you really need an example demonstration for this.

However, to get the AMB82 Mini to create its own Wi-Fi signal, you can simply use Wi-Fi AP mode using this example:


Hi @dakamaster,

Thanks for the prompt reply and understood, looking forward to seeing it added, I think it would make a great addition to the many amazing things the board can already do!

yyes Id send you a sample soon
working on it


Im trying to do the same thing, did you get it to work?

I tried combining CreateWiFiAP and ControlLED, but it didnt work.

I can see the Access Point that is created, but when i try to connect it
doesnt send a webpage to the browser.

Here is part of the code:

WiFiServer server(80);
WiFiClient client;

// taken from CreateWiFiAP
void setup()
WiFi.apbegin(ssid, pass, channel, ssid_status);

// loop taken from ControlLED
void loop()
WiFiClient client = server.available();
if (client) {
Serial.println(“new client”);
String currentLine = “”;
while (client.connected()) {
if (client.available()) {

Any idea why it doesnt work?
