How can I get raw data from camera on the AMB82-EVB?

I have two questions

  1. How can I get raw data from camera on the AMB82-EVB
  2. Let me know how to change SDK code if I use a camera other than the camera included in the AMB82-EVB?


  1. How can I get raw data not jpeg from JXF37 camera of the AMB82-EVB?

  2. Could you tell me some clue about how to change SDK code if I use a camera other than the camera included in the AMB82-EVB?
    Arducam OV9281 :
    I saw it only supports the JXF37 camera for both standard and arduino sdk on forum
    I’d like to know about both cases (arudino and standard sdk)

  3. Can I have the example projects using Makefile to compile and link
    I’m looking for more information on building projects using the ABM82-mini.


Hi dallim30,

  1. I’m not sure if that is able to be retrieved, so far I haven’t been able to see any information on it yet.

  2. For now, we only support the JXF37 camera module for AMB82.

  3. You may take a look at GitHub - ambiot/ambpro2_sdk: Public SDK for AmebaPro2 or GitHub - ambiot/ambpro2_arduino on how to build the example projects. Let me know if you face any specific problems so that I can help you with that.


Thanks for your response

Is it possible to connect a MIPI CSI-1 camera to our AMB82-mini MIPI CSI-2 interface?


Hi @dallim30, you can give it a try, but I don’t think it will be compatible. Somebody on the internet has researched on this (Q&A: Is it possible to connect a MIPI CSI-1 device... - NXP Community).

Thank you.