We are currently developing a device using the AMB82-Mini which has the JX-37 camera which is now no longer in production / available. Does this support the JX-37P sensor which seems to replace it but is not the same?
If not, is there any source available for the JX-37 driver?
You can refer to HW datasheet AmebaPro2 Datasheet Download – Realtek IoT/Wi-Fi MCU Solutions
JX-37P sounds replaceable, you may also double check with the sensor maker about if JX-37 is able to be replaced by JX-37P?
Also there are more sensors supported by refer to ameba-arduino-pro2/Arduino_package/hardware/system/project/realtek_amebapro2_v0_example/inc/sensor.h at 1065ba8bec60ebb16c9dd8b2f802587cef5539ed · Ameba-AIoT/ameba-arduino-pro2 · GitHub
I see there are now a few options for sensors (1.0.8) but where would we be able to purchase (hopefully off the shelf) cameras with the correct interface for the AMB82-mini?