Video Interlace Issue Maybe

I just received my AMB82 Mini and love it so far. Started doing tests. Capturing still image to SD card works great. When I went to do video it seems to have an interlacing or sync issue. I’ve attached a snapshot. Using VLC Player 3.0.20. I compiled it via Arduino IDE 2.3.2.

Hi @Michael ,

May I know which example you are running that caused this issue? Thank you

Yeah, sorry. It did it with VideoOnly and SingleVideoWithAudio and using VLC Player. Hope that helps.

Suggest that you can use a better WiFi network such as 5GHz to stream. Currently my stream is working fine.

You can also use the pre release version as well.

and install 4.0.8-build20240805

My Wi-Fi is 5GHz and router is like 10ft away. I will try the pre release tomorrow. Thanks.

Actually it dawned on me. To eliminate the player. I tried RTSP Player for Windows and it works fine. Not much on bells and whistles, but not issue. I retried VLC Player and it showed up. It’s something with the VLC Player.

Guess it’s a good thing to note. Thanks