Invalid Parameters

I keep getting the following error when trying to verify either ObjectDetectionCallback or ObjectDetectionLoop sketch example. I leave both completely default other than my SSID and PW being updated in the code.

copy misc\nn_img\amebapro2_nn_model.json .\
Invalid number of parameters
        1 file(s) copied.

These are also the only sketches I have found so far that are not working even if it does upload. So I assume something to do with this error.

Any help that can be offered here? Let me know if you need any further info.


Made no changes. Tried again and now the error is two lines lower.

copy misc\nn_img\amebapro2_nn_model.json .\
        1 file(s) copied.
xcopy /y C:\Users\my name\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\realtek\hardware\AmebaPro2\4.0.6\variants\common_nn_models .\
Invalid number of parameters

Hi @msherga,

You can try the pre release version instead.

Input in Preference in Arduino IDE and install 4.0.7-build20240430 for current use to see if it solves your issue.

Having space in your username will cause this invalid parameter error as well. Would suggest removing space in username for the time being. we will look into this.

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Thanks Pammy. I have created a separate user on my machine with no space, and that has been a successful workaround.

  1. Is there any way you could update the repo to handle usernames with spaces in them since changing username in windows isn’t realistic?

  2. Is there any way to manually change where these instructions point to, so that we can have it go into a folder that we specify?

Thanks so much for your reply!

Hi @msherga,
Yes, we will look into these 2 points so that user do not need to change username and can choose their own path that they specify.