Hi everyone,
Is the RTL8720DN, when configured in STA mode, able to support the IEEE 802.11e NoAck policy – i.e., suppress all MAC layer acknowledgements to the packets it receives?
If the answer is yes, how do I configure it in this way?
Hi everyone,
Is the RTL8720DN, when configured in STA mode, able to support the IEEE 802.11e NoAck policy – i.e., suppress all MAC layer acknowledgements to the packets it receives?
If the answer is yes, how do I configure it in this way?
Hi Xavier,
I can see there is such a macro defined in the NDA standard SDK for WLAN driver for MAC protocol, but I can’t be sure if it works as you intended.
Hope it helps~
Hi Simon,
I would like to dig a little deeper into this old question.
1- How can I access the NoAck macro you mentioned in the standard SDK?
2- I also have the same question if the RTL8720DN is configured as an Access Point: is is able to send data frames without expecting ACKs from the receiving STAs? If yes, how can I configure it to do this?