Bluetooth mesh in AMB26 (RTL8720DF)

Hi everyone!
I am using kit AMB26(RTL8720DF) to develop a bluetooth mesh application for my device. i used 2 example (bt_mesh_device_rtk_demo and bt_mesh_provisioner_rtk_demo) and they work. Now, i want add 2 models (generic on off server and generic on off client) in my application for my device. I was based on “bt_mesh_device_app_main.c” and i added generic on off server model, but with generic on off client model, i can’t add. Can you help me?
I coding in IAR Workbench and build project with cygwin (GCC).
Thank you!

Hello @vinhtran, may I check with you which standard SDK version you are using? You may want to contact your FAE if have signed an NDA as the examples you have mentioned is not in our open source SDK (GitHub - ambiot/ambd_sdk: Release SDK for AmebaD). Thank you :slight_smile: