Camera Streaming with Web Application


Me and a team are trying to use the AMB82-Mini as a camera and to host our controller for a robot we are developing. Our idea is to use the AMB82-MINI to create an AP in which users can connect to by putting in the router address in the address bar of any browser. They can see a live stream feed from the robot’s perspective, and they can click on buttons to control the robot. Both the live stream and button-clicking (HTML + Javascript) are supposed to happen together simultaneously, however we came across a problem.

We were able to create an AP and users have no problems connecting to it, however, we have issues the actual web application itself.

If the camera stream starts after the webpage with the buttons, only the camera works and the buttons do not. Vice versa if the webpage is sent after the camera stream.

We were able to accomplish our desired outcome using the ESP32-CAM (dual-core), but we would to switch to the AMB82-MINI because of the better camera quality.

I’m using Arduino IDE, and I have 4.0.5.

This is not our project, but a famous example (for context) of what we are trying to accomplish (done with the ESP32):

Is there anyway that the web-application and camera feed could be done simultaneously, and if not would it be possible to use another microcontroller to handle some of the processing so that this could be possible.

you can try V7RC or VLC, as smart app for streaming.
or use any browser that has RTSP supported. \

or using JEPG Multimedia – Capture JPEG display over HTTP – Realtek IoT/Wi-Fi MCU Solutions