AMB82 Mini Bus fault for video project

Hi, i’m trying to make a video recorder project but i continuosly have a bus error and i don’t understand why, i copied all by the example. I attach the code. Thanks for the help. This is the serial log:
DebugVideo.7z (9,3 KB)

== Rtl8735b IoT Platform ==

[Normal mode]
[Start Boot ROM...]
=== Load PARTBL ===
=== Load Done ===
=== Load ISP_IQ ===
[fcs chk pass]
ISP_IQ @ 0x8461080, 0x14f80, 0x0
mfcs_data version 0x00010001
fcs_data version 0x00010101
=== Process ISP_IQ ===
=== Load Done ===
=== Load BL ===
[Image Start Table @ 0x18200]
=== Load Done ===

== Boot Loader ==
Jul 25 2024:13:51:45
=== Load FCS Para ===
=== Load Done ===
[crc pass]
=== Load ISP_IQ Sensor ===
ISP_IQ @ 0x8461080, 0x14f80
=== Process ISP_IQ ===
=== Load Done ===
=== Load FW1 ===
[Image Start Table @ 0x20106200]
RAM Load @ 0x8061100->0x20106200, 0x6230
ddr_freq = 533
DDR Load @ 0x8068080->0x70100000, 0x440fc
=== FW Load Done ===

Boot Loader <==

== RAM Start ==
Build @ 13:37:33, Jul 25 2024

$8735b>[video_voe_presetting] fps:30  w:1920  h:1080   

sensor id is bigger than isp_boot->p_fcs_ld_info.multi_fcs_cnt

sensor id is bigger than isp_boot->p_fcs_ld_info.multi_fcs_cnt

Register disk driver to Fatfs.

FATFS Register: disk driver 0

SD_Init 0

part_count = 0

hal_voe_ready 0x0 0x3f0000 

 read fcs_status 0x0000003f

[video_init] uvcd iq is null, use default.

[video_init] uvcd SNR is null, use default.

IQ:FW size (944526422)

Bus Fault: 
SCB Configurable Fault Status Reg = 0x00000400

Bus Fault Status: 
BusFault Address Reg is invalid(Asyn. BusFault)
Imprecise data bus error:
a data bus error has occurred, but the return address in the stack frame is not related to the instruction that caused the error.

S-domain exception from Handler mode, Standard Stack frame on S-MSP
Registers Saved to stack

R0  = 0x00000000
R1  = 0x00000040
R2  = 0x384c5456
R3  = 0xefdeadbe
R4  = 0x00000000
R5  = 0x383a8a56
R6  = 0x99a599a5
R7  = 0x701524c4
R8  = 0x00000000
R9  = 0x00000000
R10 = 0x10101010
R11 = 0x11111111
R12 = 0x00000016
LR  = 0x7011440d
PC  = 0x70112d74
PSR = 0x2100000f

LR   = 0xfffffff1
MSP  = 0x20003fb0
PSP  = 0x701a83b8
xPSR = 0x20000005
CFSR  = 0x00000400
HFSR  = 0x00000000
DFSR  = 0x00000000
MMFAR = 0x00000000
BFAR  = 0x00000000
AFSR  = 0x00000000
PriMask = 0x00000000
SVC priority: 0x00
PendSVC priority: 0xf0
Systick priority: 0xf0

MSP Data:
20003FB0:    00000000    00000040    384C5456    EFDEADBE
20003FC0:    00000016    7011440D    70112D74    2100000F
20003FD0:    70124A00    FFFFFFED    70147AB4    FFFFFFF9
20003FE0:    20004000    000003E8    E000E000    70147AB4
20003FF0:    07070707    70114501    70114568    21000000
20004000:    FBCE7FC7    FF6EF95B    E9053318    E70DAA9F
20004010:    DCBFBFFF    0FE84406    71289AA3    157F7DD6
20004020:    33F5845D    F8F905D3    E76D3E53    6DB273F5
20004030:    7EEE2D52    FE56FBDC    6695FFEF    F5F7D591
20004040:    B322D90A    950AABFA    50951427    54B0F28D
20004050:    32D9E55A    207DAB7E    89CD73B7    262000DE
20004060:    B95AB10F    2F895EF8    459B0457    9415F980
20004070:    1698913E    37102910    136C8EB6    C3645613
20004080:    B61F9466    965D1E58    A53EC5AF    0FA3DE2D
20004090:    F4D9519E    D6B07FED    DC7E094F    127B015F
200040A0:    1ACFB1AB    28F6B2AA    18D89B18    15BE1471

PSP Data:
701A83B8:    70008000    701524C4    384C5456    7026EEC4
701A83C8:    00000016    201069C9    100219C8    21100000
701A83D8:    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
701A83E8:    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
701A83F8:    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
701A8408:    00000000    00000000    00000000    00000000
701A8418:    00000000    10101010    70000000    70124B05
701A8428:    7014C298    701524C4    00000000    201069C9
701A8438:    00000000    70125615    00000000    70124B0B
701A8448:    00000000    70124C17    07070707    70008000
701A8458:    7013C036    384C5456    701524C4    701524C4
701A8468:    701924C4    00000000    70142A08    7011A445
701A8478:    701BEC40    70112999    701BEC40    7011271D
701A8488:    701BEC40    701BCC20    00000800    00000001
701A8498:    701B0E60    00000001    07070707    08080808
701A84A8:    09090909    701190A9    00000001    701974E0

 == NS Dump ==
CFSR_NS  = 0x00000000
HFSR_NS  = 0x00000000
DFSR_NS  = 0x00000000
MMFAR_NS = 0x00000000
BFAR_NS  = 0x00000000
AFSR_NS  = 0x00000000
MSP_NS   = 0x00000000
PSP_NS   = 0x00000000
NS HardFault Status Reg = 0x00000000
SCB Configurable Fault Status Reg = 0x00000000
No Back Trace!

Hi @Ivan,

I do not recall the Arduino IDE being able to run two .ino simultaneously. However, you can copy the contents of z_11_Video.ino and paste them below the void loop function on DebugVideo.ino. For more information, please refer to the Arduino Reference.

Thank you.

Hi, now i’m trying the example code “QRCodeScanner” and i get this error, i use this example in the past without problem, is this a problem with the board or with the upgrade of the SDK?

== Rtl8735b IoT Platform ==

[Normal mode]
[Start Boot ROM...]
=== Load PARTBL ===
=== Load Done ===
=== Load ISP_IQ ===
[fcs chk pass]
ISP_IQ @ 0x8461080, 0x2ff80, 0x0
mfcs_data version 0x00010001
fcs_data version 0x00010101
=== Process ISP_IQ ===
=== Load Done ===
=== Load BL ===
[Image Start Table @ 0x18200]
=== Load Done ===

== Boot Loader ==
Sep 20 2024:16:52:24
=== Load FCS Para ===
=== Load Done ===
[crc pass]
=== Load ISP_IQ Sensor ===
ISP_IQ @ 0x8461080, 0x2ff80
=== Process ISP_IQ ===
=== Load Done ===
=== Load FW1 ===
FW_ISP_IQ @ 0x8061080, 0x31f80
=== Process FW_ISP_IQ ===
ddr_freq = 533
VOE flash @ 0x8093080, 0x80f80
FCS KM_status 0x00002081 err 0x0000200a
Wait KM fcs done 0 us
FCS TM_status 0x003f0000 
store fcs data for application 
It don't do the sensor initial process
RAM TM_STATUS 0x00bf1208 err 0x00001208
 read fcs_status 0x000000bf
 read fcs_status 0x000000bf
=== Process VOE IMG ===
[Image Start Table @ 0x20106200]
RAM Load @ 0x8114100->0x20106200, 0x6210
DDR Load @ 0x811b080->0x70100000, 0x2e5f8
=== FW Load Done ===

Boot Loader <==

== RAM Start ==
Build @ 16:45:25, Sep 20 2024

$8735b>[video_voe_presetting] fps:30  w:1920  h:1080   

fwin(1),enc_en(0),IQ_OFFSET = 0x17b60

 fwin(1),enc_en(0),SENSOR_OFFSET = 0x2fba0

sensor id 1 iq_data 17b60 sensor_data 2fba0

hal_voe_ready 0x0 0xbf1208 

 read fcs_status 0x000000bf

[video_init] uvcd iq is null, use default.

[video_init] uvcd SNR is null, use default.

IQ:FW size (76042)

sensor:date 417/168/161 version:�����������ශශBශ�ශ�ශ�ශ������������4�p4�p4�p

sensor:FW size (-532512329)

Bus Fault: 
SCB Configurable Fault Status Reg = 0x00000400

Bus Fault Status: 
BusFault Address Reg is invalid(Asyn. BusFault)
Imprecise data bus error:
a data bus error has occurred, but the return address in the stack frame is not related to the instruction that caused the error.

S-domain exception from Handler mode, Standard Stack frame on S-MSP
Registers Saved to stack

R0  = 0x00000000
R1  = 0x00000040
R2  = 0xe04281b7
R3  = 0xefdeadbe
R4  = 0x00000000
R5  = 0xe02f6347
R6  = 0x99a599a5
R7  = 0x7017b634
R8  = 0x0001b240
R9  = 0x7012db10
R10 = 0x10101010
R11 = 0x11111111
R12 = 0x00000016
LR  = 0x7011ccad
PC  = 0x7011b68c
PSR = 0xa100000f

LR   = 0xfffffff1
MSP  = 0x20003fb0
PSP  = 0x7019ac28
xPSR = 0xa0000005
CFSR  = 0x00000400
HFSR  = 0x00000000
DFSR  = 0x00000000
MMFAR = 0x00000000
BFAR  = 0x00000000
AFSR  = 0x00000000
PriMask = 0x00000000
SVC priority: 0x00
PendSVC priority: 0xf0
Systick priority: 0xf0

MSP Data:
20003FB0:    00000000    00000040    E04281B7    EFDEADBE
20003FC0:    00000016    7011CCAD    7011B68C    A100000F
20003FD0:    70131EB0    FFFFFFFD    70133274    FFFFFFF9
20003FE0:    20004000    000003E8    E000E000    70133274
20003FF0:    07070707    7011CDA1    7011CE08    21000000
20004000:    F9AC9F3F    55DFEBAF    A278705E    020F40D2
20004010:    F9FF585E    FFFDE64F    8D21D509    F3E4C5D8
20004020:    A3FDEF7E    6FDDFFE7    371BF582    04510F3F
20004030:    97F2EFAE    CBFFED47    4CC55505    2C6CC800
20004040:    91FE7D4D    15E7A9A6    842208D1    83C00268
20004050:    78FECC2D    3711DD23    A0006001    0B219721
20004060:    A5B5FF49    6DE7DF6B    0A12950C    C3C83162
20004070:    F8B6AAE2    47978DB3    2DE45086    43104315
20004080:    4BEEA77B    9F46A6C8    7B4587EE    99642380
20004090:    17E9D2FB    BAECB980    5040B53D    2305B92E
200040A0:    A7FEE463    0E1F5FFF    65800744    23240DB5

PSP Data:
7019AC28:    70000040    7017B654    E04281B7    702AD4C4
7019AC38:    00000016    201069C9    100219C8    A1000000
7019AC48:    70000000    7011758D    701306F8    7017B634
7019AC58:    0001B240    201069C9    000000B0    7011809D
7019AC68:    000000B0    70117593    000000B0    70117635
7019AC78:    7019AC8C    0001B240    7012DB10    70000040
7019AC88:    A1A801A1    01A1AC01    B401A1B0    A1B801A1
7019AC98:    01A1BC01    E001A1EC    E00281B7    E04281B7
7019ACA8:    02C281B7    8281B7E0    81B7E001    B7E00282
7019ACB8:    8001C281    800280B8    01C280B8    8280B880
7019ACC8:    7013B634    7013B634    7017B634    00000000
7019ACD8:    00003200    701200B5    05A64DA0    7019B240
7019ACE8:    7012DA18    7011C395    00000000    7011C4C7
7019ACF8:    E000E000    7019B260    7012E804    06060606
7019AD08:    07070707    7012C1B8    09090909    70112E4B
7019AD18:    7019B260    70112F37    04040404    05050505

 == NS Dump ==
CFSR_NS  = 0x00000000
HFSR_NS  = 0x00000000
DFSR_NS  = 0x00000000
MMFAR_NS = 0x00000000
BFAR_NS  = 0x00000000
AFSR_NS  = 0x00000000
MSP_NS   = 0x00000000
PSP_NS   = 0x00000000
NS HardFault Status Reg = 0x00000000
SCB Configurable Fault Status Reg = 0x00000000
No Back Trace!

With the build 4.0.7 it works fine, with the newest build doesn’t work.

Hi @Ivan,

Could you temporary use 4.0.7 first? I know of this issue, this is due to the upgrade in the sdk, but this issue will be fixed by the next stable release.

4.0.7 is the stable release version.

Thank you.

Yes, i use 4.0.7 for now. Thanks