Buffer allocation fails when camera is plugged in


Recently, one of my boards has been exhibiting some strange behavior. When the JXF37 camera is plugged in, it doesn’t work, but it otherwise works when the camera is not plugged in.

The serial output when it doesn’t work is below:

== Rtl8735b IoT Platform ==
Chip VID: 0, Ver: 0
ROM Version: v3.0

[Normal mode]
[Start Boot ROM...]
=== Load PARTBL ===
=== Load Done ===
=== Load ISP_IQ ===
[fcs chk pass]
ISP_IQ @ 0x8461080, 0x1af80, 0x0
mfcs_data version 0x00010001
fcs_data version 0x00013700
=== Process ISP_IQ ===
=== Load Done ===
=== Load BL ===
[Image Start Table @ 0x18200]
=== Load Done ===

== Boot Loader ==
Jun 28 2024:17:18:16
=== Load FCS Para ===
=== Load Done ===
[crc pass]
=== Load ISP_IQ Sensor ===
ISP_IQ @ 0x8461080, 0x1af80
=== Process ISP_IQ ===
=== Load Done ===
=== Load FW1 ===
FW_ISP_IQ @ 0x8061080, 0x1cf80
=== Process FW_ISP_IQ ===
ddr_freq = 533
VOE flash @ 0x807e080, 0x7ff80
FCS KM_status 0x00000082 err 0x00000000
Wait KM fcs done 0 us
FCS TM_status 0x00000001 
dark mode 0 adc final value 0 sample 1 mode 0
fcs final cmd 0x3d7a0b48 index 17
store fcs data for application 
fcs OK
Can't find ff ff ff ff
load time sensor:253us iq:4587us itcm:1011us dtcm:52us ddr:11957us ddr2:11311us
=== Process VOE IMG ===
[Image Start Table @ 0x20106200]
RAM Load @ 0x80fe100->0x20106200, 0x62f8
DDR Load @ 0x8105080->0x70100000, 0x15cca1
=== FW Load Done ===

Boot Loader <==

== RAM Start ==
Build @ 17:22:43, Jun 28 2024

$8735b>76dfffe0 exceed 75c00000
It can't be allocate buffer

abort execution

This is similar to the output when it works. The only difference is that these two lines are missing when the camera is not plugged in:

fcs OK
Can't find ff ff ff ff

We first observed this problem when we were testing an external RTC and EEPROM on pins PA0 and PA1. We’re afraid we might have fried something internally as we were doing that.

So, we’re not really looking to fix it if it cannot be fixed (but feel free to suggest a fix if there is one). What we’d really like to know is what might be causing this problem so we’re aware and can avoid it happening.

Hi @at_and_red ,

This is a known issue and we are currently fixing it.

Please use the official SDK v4.0.7 first as early release can be unstable.