Along a almost year of use, now i have this error when init my Amb82 mini:
[VOE]change sensor mode => 1920x1080@30.000000fps - ‘linear’
[VOE]min_fps 2.000000, max_fps 30.000000, exp_step 29.629629 dyn_fps 30.000000
[VOE]md ver 0x6d640100
[VOE]ae ver 0x61650200
[VOE]awb ver 0x77620100
[VOE]short exp mode is not implemented by this sensor.
[VOE]cur_hdr_mode = 0
[VOE]VOE MEM Size = 21479 Used= 3565 KB Free=17913 KB (18343360)
[VOE]stream 0 buffer 0: 0x707c6b00 size 3110400
[VOE]stream 0 buffer 1: 0x70abe200 size 3110400
[VOE]first_config_osd2_block_num[0]: 1
[VOE]osd2_block_num[0]: 24
[VOE]NV12 1920x1080 1/30
[VOE]dynamic set fps 0 → 30 ok
[VOE]short exp mode is not implemented by this sensor.
[VOE]sensor power on
[VOE]i2c_master_err_callback ERR:8, tx_len: 0, rx_len: 0
[VOE]i2c tx abrt source: 1001
[VOE]i2c txflr: 1
[VOE][sensor_start][943]Errsensor_start check sensor id err
[VOE]sensor power off
[VOE][sensor_start][1023]Errstart sensor fail 268501000
[VOE][isp_mod_execute][306]Errmodule sensor execute 0x80044500 fail 268501000
[VOE][mod_control_start_isp][112]Errfail to start isp pipeline → 268501000
[VOE][isp_mod_do_action][400]Errmodule control do action 0x80024500 fail 268501000
[VOE][rtscam_isp_message_call][534]ErrISP:{rtscam_isp_message_call} message exec failed
[VOE][__rtscam_isp_set_fps][1747]Err__rtscam_isp_set_fps rtscam_isp_message_call -8
[VOE][rtscam_zoom_enable_stream][583]Errrtscam_zoom_enable_stream zoom->isp->set_fps 30 ret: -8
[VOE][rts_v4l2_streamon][568]Errv4l2 ioctl STREAMON fail, -47
[VOE]start_stream stream on failed -47
[VOE]voe_open isp_open_stream ch0 failed -47
hal_voe_send2voe too long 202819 cmd 0x00000206 p1 0x00000000 p2 0x00000000
VOE command 0x206 fail ret 0x1
VOE_OPEN_CMD command fail
hal_video_open fail
[VID Err]Please check sensor id first,the id is 1
I had tried some test but i can’t back it to work…
Please , any help?, regards!
Hi @Alberto_Biencinto_Al ,
May I check with you the following details:
- Which SDK version are you using?
- What is your sensor model?
Thank you.
Hi Kevin,
I’m using Arduino SDK, about the sensor… i didn’t know there were different sensors, but i haven’t changed any hardware and my code was working fine last week. I had try cam samples from the sdk with same result, so this should be a hardware issue.
Maybe warranty issue?
Hi @Alberto_Biencinto_Al,
You will have to check which version of Arduino SDK you are using. For example, is it 4.0.7 or 4.0.8 early release version? Recently, the SDK has made several changes to support more sensors besides the default JXF-37 camera. Please ensure that in your Arduino IDE you are selecting the correct sensor.
Thank you.
Taking a look at my libraries, i see this version 4.0.8-build20241003 for my SDK. I will try with a older sdk to see it’s my problem. If not… what can i do?
Data from terminal:
IQ:FW size (98342)
sensor:date 2024/9/12 version:RTL8735B_VOE_1.5.7.0
sensor:FW size (5412)
Hi @Alberto_Biencinto_Al,
Please take a look at the camera selected if you are using 4.0.8-build20241003.
At the top of your Arduino IDE, go to “Tools” → “*Camera Options” → Choose JXF-37. The default camera is JXF-37.
Please also check if your MIPI connection of the camera is loose.
Thank you.
Experiencing the same on 4.0.9-build20241217
[video_voe_presetting] fps:30 w:1920 h:1080
fwin(1),enc_en(0),IQ_OFFSET = 0x17b60
fwin(1),enc_en(0),SENSOR_OFFSET = 0x2fba0
sensor id 1 iq_data 17b60 sensor_data 2fba0
VOE not init
VOE_OUT_CMD type 2 command fail -1
hal_voe_ready 0x0 0xbf1208
read fcs_status 0x000000bf
[video_init] uvcd iq is null, use default.
[video_init] uvcd SNR is null, use default.
IQ:FW size (98342)
sensor:date 2024/9/12 version:RTL8735B_VOE_1.5.7.0
sensor:FW size (5412)
sensor timestamp: 2024/09/12
iq timestamp: 2023/05/15 14:48:54
voe_heap malloc 0x7043ab40, size 25412096
ISP:1 ENC:1 H265:1 NN:1
hal_voe_ready 0x0 0xbf1208
voe :RTL8735B_VOE_1.5.8.0
hal :RTL8735B_VOE_1.5.8.0
load time sensor:150us iq:2707us itcm:0us dtcm:0us ddr:0us ddr2:0us
[video_pre_init_procedure] START
[VOE]ext_in = 0 sync = 0
[VOE][Ini set0]init dn 0 hdr 0 mirrorflip 0xf0
[VOE]g_init_fps: 30
[VOE]md init success
[VOE]algo ver 187ea48
[VOE]pack_v 0x0000 0x0002 cus_v 0 iq_id 0 dn 0 day 0 night 1 other 2 offset 224 length 16436 iq_size 32716
[VOE]Ver 0x0001000c Fast3A Cnt AE 1 AWB 1 period AE 5 AWB 1 delay 0 0
[VOE]hdr_mode 0 sensor driver num 1
[VOE]fps max 30.000000 min 2.000000
[VOE]exposure_step 29.629629
[VOE]change sensor mode => 1920x1080@30.000000fps - 'linear'
[VOE]min_fps 2.000000, max_fps 30.000000, exp_step 29.629629 dyn_fps 30.000000
[VOE]md ver 0x6d640100
[VOE]ae ver 0x61650200
[VOE]awb ver 0x77620100
[VOE]short exp mode is not implemented by this sensor.
[VOE]cur_hdr_mode = 0
[VOE]VOE MEM Size = 24816 Used= 3565 KB Free=21250 KB (21760960)
[VOE]stream 0 buffer 0: 0x707b6200 size 3110400
[VOE]stream 0 buffer 1: 0x70aad900 size 3110400
[VOE]first_config_osd2_block_num[0]: 1
[VOE]osd2_block_num[0]: 24
[VOE]NV12 1920x1080 1/30
[VOE]dynamic set fps 0 -> 30 ok
[VOE]short exp mode is not implemented by this sensor.
[VOE]sensor power on
[VOE]i2c_master_err_callback ERR:8, tx_len: 0, rx_len: 0
[VOE]i2c tx abrt source: 1
[VOE]i2c txflr: 1
[VOE][sensor_start][943]Errsensor_start check sensor id err
[VOE]sensor power off
[VOE][sensor_start][1023]Errstart sensor fail 65544
[VOE][isp_mod_execute][306]Errmodule sensor execute 0x80044500 fail 65544
[VOE][mod_control_start_isp][112]Errfail to start isp pipeline -> 65544
[VOE][isp_mod_do_action][400]Errmodule control do action 0x80024500 fail 65544
[VOE][rtscam_isp_message_call][534]ErrISP:{rtscam_isp_message_call} message exec failed
[VOE][__rtscam_isp_set_fps][1747]Err__rtscam_isp_set_fps rtscam_isp_message_call -8
[VOE][rtscam_zoom_enable_stream][584]Errrtscam_zoom_enable_stream zoom->isp->set_fps 30 ret: -8
[VOE][rts_v4l2_streamon][568]Errv4l2 ioctl STREAMON fail, -47
[VOE]start_stream stream on failed -47
[VOE]voe_open isp_open_stream ch0 failed -47
hal_voe_send2voe too long 200544 cmd 0x00000206 p1 0x00000000 p2 0x00000000
VOE command 0x206 fail ret 0x1
VOE_OPEN_CMD command fail
hal_video_open fail
Hi @Suhaib_Malik,
What camera module are you using?
Thank you.
I believe it’s “Taiyee camera module(F37)”
Hi @Suhaib_Malik,
May I know what example are you running?
I used the same camera module to run the standard RTSP stream example, and I am able to view the stream.
Thank you.
I’ve tried the RTSP video-only, RTSP video + audio, JPEG, continuous JPEG. Same error in all of them.
Hi @Suhaib_Malik,
Have you tried the above solution that was provided to @Alberto_Biencinto_Al? Can you help to check the settings for camera FCS mode under “Tools” → “*Camera FCS Mode” → Disable?
I’m not sure if this is a hardware issue, because it works fine on my end.
Thank you.