Need Help with AMB82 mini , Http POST Request

I am having problems with http post request to my django rest api , running on
My server take three things as form data input and provide response.

  1. username = “DummyUser” //string
  2. password = “DummmyPassword” //string
  3. image = “/path_of_image_saved_in_my_sd_card” //attachment file

My API is working well in web interface , I have written python code using request libarary and it is also working very fine. Can someone please please provide me details to send HTTP Post request using AMB82 mini default library named as HttpClient.h library or any other comaptible library.
Thank you


I believed this question have been asked before, so I will post the similar question link here. AMB82-MINI Sample HTTP Post please - #2 by dragonflysg.
