WS2812B RGB strip does not works when I use BW16 board with realtek 3.1.7 arduino sdk. But it works with a previous board version 3.1.5. But I cannot use 3.1.5 as it do not have OTA. Ameba Community is requested to help with that
Hi @zakriyazahid,
I have found out the reason why. For the time being, you may do a workaround for the example in 3.1.7 arduino sdk. In lines 81-84, comment out these 4 lines as shown in the picture below. This file is located in SPI.cpp.
Also, actually I have also tested the 3.1.8 early release build, and the example is working as well. You may use that version of SDK as that version has functional OTA feature too.
Thank you.
@Kelvin_Huang ,
Thank you very much for your response. Actually I will be happy with latest version like 3.1.8 but unfortunately this version is not being shown in arduino ide board manager. Can you share any reference link or any guide in this regard.
Hi @zakriyazahid,
You may add these two links into the preferences of the Arduino IDE.
Thank you.