RTL8735BDM PowerSupply 5V vs 3v3

Hi, datasheet suggests rtl8735bdm should be supplied with 3v3. However there is a 5V supply pin which is used by amb82 board. Schematic of module suggests VCore 0.9V is powered by 5V only (not 3v3)
Would a placing 3v3 only make the module work? VCore converter seems to support 2.7 to 5V input.
Any help appreciated

Hi @andf,

I also only saw that there is a converter from 5V to 0.9V. Most of the time we are powering via USB. I also am curious about supplying 5V to the Vdd pin and GND to GND pin, though it is not usually recommended as this may cause irreversible damage to the board if the converter fails.

Thank you.