RTL8720DN SDK crash/resets when connecting to close AP

Wonderful part and sdk. Already using it to replace ESP.
However when connecting to APs with RSSI > -20, the system reboots. I am using arduino environment. Here is LOG UART output:

interface 0 is initialized
interface 1 is initialized

Initializing WIFI …
WIFI initialized
trueriss -20
xxpass -29
xfinitywifi -69
xfinitywifi -72
xfinitywifi -84
Found 23 APs
Attempting to connect to SSID:trueriss

RTL8721D[Driver]: set ssid [trueriss]
interface 0 is initialized
interface 1 is initialized

Initializing WIFI …
WIFI initialized

— keeps selecting the strongest ssid and reboots ----

FYI: If I put my finger on the antenna or put some distance between me and the AP, it all works fine.

Thank You

Maybe you became part of the antenna :sweat_smile:

Hi @lamb
so just to clarify,

when connecting to AP with RSSI > -20, meaning -1 to -19 (this is super high tho), then the WiFi will be unstable and attempt to connect to APs with weaker signal strength, right?

and also, what is the Arduino package version? the latest one is V3.1.2

WiFi.begin(“trueiss”) → SDK crashes/reboots after emitting:
RTL8721D[Driver]: set ssid [trueriss]
as in original posting. reducing the signal level by either walking far away or shorting antenna with finger makes it work ok.
Note: After the RTL8721D[Driver] gets to this message (while maintaining attenuation):
RTL8721D[Driver]: start auth to xx:xx…
I can take my finger off or walk close to the AP again and connection remains established.
Maybe some high mixer intermodulation products in the front end causing adjacent channel interference?

Using V3.1.1. Was there a change effecting wifi in V3.1.2?

Thank you

nope, in terms of WiFi, these 2 version are almost identical

thank you.
So how to rebuild lib_arduino.a ?
I am trying to debug the strong wifi ap problem so need to recompile .arduino15/packages/realtek/hardware/AmebaD/3.1.1/system/component/common/api/wifi/*.c

Compiling archive libraries are mostly handled by the Realtek team, as it involves intrenal SDK and multiple steps that could be too complex for users.

However, if you are interested in building lib yourself, you are welcome to take a look at the Realtek Standard SDK (open source version), despite some differences with the internal version in terms of source code, the building processes are identical

I was able to reproduce the high rssi AP problem using the standard SDK build
(GitHub - ambiot/ambd_sdk: Release SDK for AmebaD No ardunio layer) using CONFIG_EXAMPLE_WLAN_SCENARIO (setting in platform_opts.h) and exercising scenario_5() in example_wlan_scenario.c. OPEN WiFi ap connect. The system reboots in wifi_connect() in wifi_conf.c while waiting for rtw_down_timeout_sema(). Line:
“if(rtw_down_timeout_sema( &join_result->join_sema, RTW_JOIN_TIMEOUT ) == RTW_FALSE)”
Here it appears to be waiting for “RTL8721D[Driver]:” to respond. The source code for this driver is NOT in the SDK so I am hoping a fix from Realtek will come.

As before, attenuating the signal either with finger touching antenna or placing unit in partial faraday cage alleviates the problem.

Also, fwiw, different batches of rtl8720dn modules with exactly the same fw behave differently.

Further testing with BW16 modules with default/shipped unmodified firmware also exhibit this issue when connecting to nearby open (no password) wifi AP. Using ATPN=xyz at “#” prompt on the LOG UART results in below. Sometimes its a Hard Fault, sometimes the prompt stops reacting with repeating “fw cmd fifo full”, sometimes just reboots. FWIW the AP I am connecting to causes no problems for any other devices (ESP… or otherwise) and is an OpenWRT device. Any help here would be appreciated.


RTL8721D[Driver]: set ssid [xyz]

RTL8721D[Driver]: start auth to 00:2a:a8:87:b5:3d

RTL8721D[Driver]: auth success, start assoc

RTL8721D[Driver]: association success(res=13)
wlan1: 1 DL RSVD page success! DLBcnCount:01, poll:00000001

Interface 0 IP address :
[MEM] After do cmd, available heap 169336

Hard Fault Error!!!
R0 = 0x0
R1 = 0x1
R2 = 0x40080054
R3 = 0xc000002
R12 = 0xc005b61
LR = 0xc005bc1
PC = 0xc000002
xPSR = 0x20000000
PriMask: 0x0

fw cmd fifo full 2
MAC_1C0=00000000, MAC_1C4=00000000, MAC_1C8=00000010, MAC_1CC=0000000f
fw cmd fifo full 2
MAC_1C0=00000000, MAC_1C4=00000000, MAC_1C8=00000010, MAC_1CC=0000000f

1 Like

Hi @lamb
I am also using arduino and RTL8720DN, but I could NOT reproduce your issue, you can see my log down below,

interface 0 is initialized

interface 1 is initialized

Initializing WIFI ...

WIFI initialized

Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: amebarocks

RTL8721D[Driver]: set ssid [amebarocks] 

RTL8721D[Driver]: rtw_set_wpa_ie[1160]: AuthKeyMgmt = 0x2 

RTL8721D[Driver]: rtw_restruct_sec_ie[4225]: no pmksa cached 

RTL8721D[Driver]: start auth to 60:a4:b7:e6:67:50

RTL8721D[Driver]: auth alg = 2


OnAuthClient:algthm = 0, seq = 2, status = 0, sae_msg_len = 11

RTL8721D[Driver]: auth success, start assoc

RTL8721D[Driver]: association success(res=2)

RTL8721D[Driver]: ClientSendEAPOL[1624]: no use cache pmksa 

RTL8721D[Driver]: set pairwise key to hw: alg:4(WEP40-1 WEP104-5 TKIP-2 AES-4)

RTL8721D[Driver]: set group key to hw: alg:4(WEP40-1 WEP104-5 TKIP-2 AES-4) keyid:1

Interface 0 IP address :
You're connected to the networkSSID: amebarocks
BSSID: 50:67:E6:B7:A4:60
signal strength (RSSI):-41
Encryption Type:4

IP Address:
MAC address: 94:C9:60:16:9C:2F
SSID: amebarocks
BSSID: 50:67:E6:B7:A4:60
signal strength (RSSI):-38
Encryption Type:4

SSID: amebarocks
BSSID: 50:67:E6:B7:A4:60
signal strength (RSSI):-25
Encryption Type:4

SSID: amebarocks
BSSID: 50:67:E6:B7:A4:60
signal strength (RSSI):-19
Encryption Type:4

SSID: amebarocks
BSSID: 50:67:E6:B7:A4:60
signal strength (RSSI):-23
Encryption Type:4

SSID: amebarocks
BSSID: 50:67:E6:B7:A4:60
signal strength (RSSI):-13
Encryption Type:4

SSID: amebarocks
BSSID: 50:67:E6:B7:A4:60
signal strength (RSSI):-11
Encryption Type:4

SSID: amebarocks
BSSID: 50:67:E6:B7:A4:60
signal strength (RSSI):-33
Encryption Type:4

SSID: amebarocks
BSSID: 50:67:E6:B7:A4:60
signal strength (RSSI):-49
Encryption Type:4

SSID: amebarocks
BSSID: 50:67:E6:B7:A4:60
signal strength (RSSI):-49
Encryption Type:4

SSID: amebarocks
BSSID: 50:67:E6:B7:A4:60
signal strength (RSSI):-55
Encryption Type:4

Note that my ameba RSSI went as high as -11, and the connection was still strong without a issue

Note that yours produces
“Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: amebarocks”

Mine does not.

The problem is with open (no encryption) hotspots.

How do you get yours to show “WPA” for an open hotspot?

I would be happy for any workaround.

My posting was for OPEN non-encrypted no wpa hotspots. I also notice the problem is more pronounced for 2.4ghz APs, eg what you see most in public places.
I am sure this can be fixed in the Realtek WiFi library if I had source (lib_wlan.a ?)

Thank you for looking into this

Hi did you connect to hotspot or AP? bcos they are 2 different concept and they function very differerntly too

If I attenuate the signal, it all works. So should be no difference.
For unencrypted, open APs and hotspots (ie, captive portal) in the public scenario work the same with dhcp ip address assignment. Irrespective of that, there should be no difference between an attenuated signal or not - right? So why would the attenuated one work? Have you tried with an open, unencrypted 2.4ghz ssid sitting next to the B+T BW16? It will take a couple tries but either crashes, becomes nonresponsive, reboots or faults for me. Updated lib_wlan.a anyone?
Thank you

Hi @lamb
I tried again with what you said-- open network with no security, 2.4GHz, higher than -20 RSSI, using RTL8720DN, and still the connection is very strong… here is the log

14:45:09.050 -> 

RTL8721D[Driver]: set ssid [yourNetwork] 
14:45:09.050 -> 
14:45:13.300 -> 

RTL8721D[Driver]: start auth to 16:51:73:a7:3c:f4
14:45:13.300 -> 
14:45:13.300 -> 

RTL8721D[Driver]: auth alg = 0
14:45:13.300 -> 
14:45:13.300 -> 

14:45:13.300 -> 
OnAuthClient:algthm = 0, seq = 2, status = 0, sae_msg_len = 0
14:45:13.300 -> 
14:45:13.300 -> 

RTL8721D[Driver]: auth success, start assoc
14:45:13.300 -> 
14:45:13.347 -> 

RTL8721D[Driver]: association success(res=2)
14:45:13.347 -> 
14:45:14.147 -> 

Interface 0 IP address :
14:45:24.237 -> You're connected to the networkSSID: yourNetwork
14:45:24.237 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:45:24.237 -> signal strength (RSSI):-49
14:45:24.237 -> Encryption Type:0
14:45:24.237 -> IP Address:
14:45:24.237 ->
14:45:24.237 -> MAC address: 94:C9:60:E:1E:B3
14:45:24.237 -> NetMask:
14:45:24.237 -> Gateway:
14:45:34.291 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:45:34.291 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:45:34.291 -> signal strength (RSSI):-38
14:45:34.291 -> Encryption Type:0
14:45:44.390 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:45:44.390 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:45:44.390 -> signal strength (RSSI):-35
14:45:44.390 -> Encryption Type:0
14:45:54.444 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:45:54.444 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:45:54.444 -> signal strength (RSSI):-32
14:45:54.444 -> Encryption Type:0
14:46:04.500 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:46:04.500 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:46:04.500 -> signal strength (RSSI):-26
14:46:04.500 -> Encryption Type:0
14:46:14.572 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:46:14.572 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:46:14.572 -> signal strength (RSSI):-17
14:46:14.572 -> Encryption Type:0
14:46:24.647 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:46:24.647 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:46:24.647 -> signal strength (RSSI):-17
14:46:24.647 -> Encryption Type:0
14:46:34.726 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:46:34.726 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:46:34.726 -> signal strength (RSSI):-15
14:46:34.726 -> Encryption Type:0
14:46:44.821 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:46:44.821 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:46:44.821 -> signal strength (RSSI):-15
14:46:44.821 -> Encryption Type:0
14:46:54.868 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:46:54.868 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:46:54.868 -> signal strength (RSSI):-36
14:46:54.868 -> Encryption Type:0
14:47:04.937 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:47:04.937 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:47:04.937 -> signal strength (RSSI):-37
14:47:04.937 -> Encryption Type:0
14:47:15.045 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:47:15.045 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:47:15.045 -> signal strength (RSSI):-20
14:47:15.045 -> Encryption Type:0
14:47:25.083 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:47:25.083 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:47:25.083 -> signal strength (RSSI):-23
14:47:25.083 -> Encryption Type:0
14:47:35.160 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:47:35.160 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:47:35.160 -> signal strength (RSSI):-19
14:47:35.160 -> Encryption Type:0
14:47:45.242 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:47:45.242 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:47:45.242 -> signal strength (RSSI):-16
14:47:45.242 -> Encryption Type:0
14:47:55.334 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:47:55.334 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:47:55.334 -> signal strength (RSSI):-16
14:47:55.334 -> Encryption Type:0
14:48:05.416 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:48:05.416 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:48:05.416 -> signal strength (RSSI):-16
14:48:05.416 -> Encryption Type:0
14:48:15.457 -> SSID: yourNetwork
14:48:15.457 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
14:48:15.457 -> signal strength (RSSI):-25
14:48:15.457 -> Encryption Type:0

Here is the example code, I didn’t change anything, 100% stock example code


 This example connects to an unencrypted Wifi network.
 Then it prints the  MAC address of the Wifi shield,
 the IP address obtained, and other network details.

 * WiFi shield attached

 created 13 July 2010
 by dlf (Metodo2 srl)
 modified 31 May 2012
 by Tom Igoe
#include <WiFi.h>

char ssid[] = "yourNetwork";     // the name of your network
int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;     // the Wifi radio's status

void setup() {
    //Initialize serial and wait for port to open:
    while (!Serial) {
        ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only

    // check for the presence of the shield:
    if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_SHIELD) {
        Serial.println("WiFi shield not present");
        // don't continue:
        while (true);

    // attempt to connect to Wifi network:
    while (status != WL_CONNECTED) {
        Serial.print("Attempting to connect to open SSID: ");
        status = WiFi.begin(ssid);

        // wait 10 seconds for connection:

    // you're connected now, so print out the data:
    Serial.print("You're connected to the network");

void loop() {
    // check the network connection once every 10 seconds:

void printWifiData() {
    // print your WiFi shield's IP address:
    IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP();
    Serial.print("IP Address: ");

    // print your MAC address:
    byte mac[6];
    Serial.print("MAC address: ");
    Serial.print(mac[0], HEX);
    Serial.print(mac[1], HEX);
    Serial.print(mac[2], HEX);
    Serial.print(mac[3], HEX);
    Serial.print(mac[4], HEX);
    Serial.println(mac[5], HEX);

    // print your subnet mask:
    IPAddress subnet = WiFi.subnetMask();
    Serial.print("NetMask: ");

    // print your gateway address:
    IPAddress gateway = WiFi.gatewayIP();
    Serial.print("Gateway: ");

void printCurrentNet() {
    // print the SSID of the network you're attached to:
    Serial.print("SSID: ");

    // print the MAC address of the router you're attached to:
    byte bssid[6];
    Serial.print("BSSID: ");
    Serial.print(bssid[5], HEX);
    Serial.print(bssid[4], HEX);
    Serial.print(bssid[3], HEX);
    Serial.print(bssid[2], HEX);
    Serial.print(bssid[1], HEX);
    Serial.println(bssid[0], HEX);

    // print the received signal strength:
    long rssi = WiFi.RSSI();
    Serial.print("signal strength (RSSI):");

    // print the encryption type:
    byte encryption = WiFi.encryptionType();
    Serial.print("Encryption Type:");
    Serial.println(encryption, HEX);

I have run it for 3 hours straight and there is no issue too

17:46:53.656 -> Encryption Type:0
17:47:03.767 -> SSID: yourNetwork
17:47:03.767 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
17:47:03.767 -> signal strength (RSSI):-15
17:47:03.767 -> Encryption Type:0
17:47:13.830 -> SSID: yourNetwork
17:47:13.830 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
17:47:13.830 -> signal strength (RSSI):-15
17:47:13.830 -> Encryption Type:0
17:47:23.919 -> SSID: yourNetwork
17:47:23.919 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
17:47:23.919 -> signal strength (RSSI):-15
17:47:23.919 -> Encryption Type:0
17:47:33.986 -> SSID: yourNetwork
17:47:33.986 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
17:47:33.986 -> signal strength (RSSI):-15
17:47:33.986 -> Encryption Type:0
17:47:44.031 -> SSID: yourNetwork
17:47:44.031 -> BSSID: F4:3C:A7:73:51:16
17:47:44.031 -> signal strength (RSSI):-15
17:47:44.031 -> Encryption Type:0

Maybe you have a defective hardware, that’s my best guess now

Thank you so much for this effort!
I have seen some variance between hardware. First batch from Digikey, second from seeed. I will report back as soon as I have tried your code.

=== cut paste and compiled your example. first try - still issues ===

Will recreate a fresh Arduino AmebaD environment on another machine and try again to make sure the problem is not my build environment.

— reset, ie, pul EN pin low for a second. EN pin is normally held high w/ 10K resistor –
— vcc bypassed directly to BW16 metal shield with 0.1+10uf SMD caps —
– LOG UART output –
interface 0 is initialized
interface 1 is initialized
Initializing WIFI …
WIFI initialized
Attempting to connect to open SSID: xxpass
RTL8721D[Driver]: set ssid [xxpass]
interface 0 is initialized
interface 1 is initialized

— tried different open access point - same behavior —
interface 0 is initialized
interface 1 is initialized
Initializing WIFI …
WIFI initialized
Attempting to connect to open SSID: trueriss
RTL8721D[Driver]: set ssid [trueriss]
interface 0 is initialized
interface 1 is initialized
Initializing WIFI …
WIFI initialized
Attempting to connect to open SSID: trueriss
RTL8721D[Driver]: set ssid [trueriss]


RTL8721D[Driver]: start auth to bc:30:7d:92:8e:c6
RTL8721D[Driver]: auth alg = 0
OnAuthClient:algthm = 0, seq = 2, status = 0, sae_msg_len = 0
RTL8721D[Driver]: auth success, start assoc
RTL8721D[Driver]: association success(res=1)
Interface 0 IP address :
You’re connected to the networkSSID: trueriss
BSSID: C6:8E:92:7D:30:BC
signal strength (RSSI):-20
Encryption Type:0
IP Address:
MAC address: 94:C9:60:1B:EB:B1
SSID: trueriss
BSSID: C6:8E:92:7D:30:BC
signal strength (RSSI):-20
Encryption Type:0

Same issue with fresh environment (fresh Ubuntu 20.04.3, Arduino 1.8.19, AmebaD Ardunio 3.12). See below. Going to program a few more BW16s to do same test.

interface 0 is initialized
interface 1 is initialized
Initializing WIFI …
WIFI initialized
20220217 My test to SSID:trueriss (–> I added this)
Attempting to connect to open SSID: trueriss
RTL8721D[Driver]: set ssid [trueriss]
interface 0 is initialized
interface 1 is initialized
Initializing WIFI …
WIFI initialized
20220217 My test to SSID:trueriss
Attempting to connect to open SSID: trueriss
RTL8721D[Driver]: set ssid [trueriss]

This log shown here indicated that the AP you connect to is not a open-security AP already, as open AP does not requires the auth step

I dunno what is happending here, but my best guess is still the issue with the hardware, maybe you can wait a while and try out the second batch and see how it goes. At least from my end, BW16 seems working fine under this working scenario