Unable to turn on Access Point IN BW16

Hello I am new to this board I am able to program and run properly able to connect with the wifi, I am using the Arduino but when I try to make the Access Point I am running example I got this error.
Starting AP …
interface 0 is initialized
interface 1 is initialized
Initializing WIFI …
WIFI initialized
LwIP_DHCP: dhcp stop.
Deinitializing WIFI …
WIFI deinitialized
Initializing WIFI …
WIFI initialized

====================Error END============

I am using the accesspoint example …Please help

HI @sonu_kushwh,

can you provide more information on the error?
I have tried the WiFIAPMode example on the BW16 board, using board package 3.1.0, and was able to start the access point normally.

interface 0 is initialized
interface 1 is initialized
Initializing WIFI ...
WIFI initialized
IPv4 enabled
LwIP_DHCP: dhcp stop.
Deinitializing WIFI ...
WIFI deinitialized
Initializing WIFI ...
WIFI initialized
Starting AP ...
yourNetwork started

Thank you for your reply,

Now I am able to create hotspots successfully,

But the problem I face with that.
once after creating the hotspot successfully sometimes it disappears and is never discover as a hotspot again,
After 7-8 days it starts working fine I discharge all capacitors and all now I am using the only module, not dev kit
This is behavior I m not understand.

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AP mode uses more power, make sure your BW16 module has enough power supply to it,else there might be issues

There is an
example to restart this module like esp. restart() method

There is an
example to restart this module like esp. restart() method…

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There is a software reset function, but it’s not available under Arduino framework, there are 2 ways you can do this,

  1. Using standard SDK and call this function directly
  2. Bring this function to Arduino and make an wrapper for it