Object Detection Queue Full crash


Im running the object detection and soon after it starts in getting a queue full message and then the whole program crashes.

Anybody knows how to fix?

YOLOv4t tick[63]
YOLOv4t tick[63]
YOLOv4t tick[63]
YOLOv4t tick[63]
YOLOv4t tick[63]
YOLOv4t tick[63]
YOLOv4t tick[63]
line 673 file: E:/SDK_Gerrit/amebapro2/SDK_9.6/9.x/component/os/freertos/freertos_v202012.00/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_4_2.c

[VID Wrn]
CH 0 MMF ENC Queue full
[VID Wrn]
CH 0 MF ENC Queue full
[VID Wrn]
CH 0 MMF ENC Queue full
[VID Wrn]
CH 0 MMF ENC Queue full
[VID Wrn]
CH 0 MMF ENC Queue full

Hi @nsmith1024

I have tried the default example in the SDK and its working fine without crash.

Suggest that you can use a better WiFi network such as 5GHz to try.