Is FreeRTOS supported on the AMB82? If not is there any planned support for this and when?
Is FreeRTOS supported on the AMB82? If not is there any planned support for this and when?
Please refer to https://github.com/ambiot/ambd_arduino/blob/dev/Arduino_package/hardware/cores/ambd/wiring_os.c
Thank you.
Does this code work with amebapro2
Sorry for providing the wrong link previously, please refer to this link instead:
Is there any example code?
It’s not easy for an amebapro2 beginner.
Sincerely appreciate your help.
Hi @Lun,
In the latest early release of the Arduino SDK, the OTA example uses multithread. You may refer to that example. Underlying is FreeRTOS implementation.
Thank you.
Thanks for your reply.
According to OTA source code
There are 2 thread for start_OTA_threads() under OTA example
Example code told us to add code as follows.
void loop()
// Empty or add non-blocking code here
Does it mean that there will be 1 thread for loop + 2 thread for OTA and we don’t need to handle multi-thread programming?
Or we also need to add another thread_task under loop()?
Hi @Lun,
In the OTA example, you can see that I am starting two concurrent threads in the setup. You should not start a thread code in the loop().
You can add your other threads in the setup(), like how I did in the OTA example.
Thank you.