AMB82-mini BOOT Err Invalid RAM Img Signature!

Hi! I’m trying to load code to my AMB82, however, when i connect it to the arduino IDE I get the following on my COM port:

== Rtl8735b IoT Platform ==

[Normal mode]
[Start Boot ROM...]
=== Load PARTBL ===

[BOOT Err]StartUp@0x0: Invalid RAM Img Signature!Boot_err(0xe2001811)

I tried restarting, holding the upload button, but no success.

Try “Erase All Flash Memory” follow the guide

Didn’t help :frowning:

  Enter Flash Mode!
  Start Erase Flash fail 

ping retry fail 

NOR flashloader loading fail

Uart boot fail
  End Erase Flash
== Rtl8735b IoT Platform ==

[Normal mode]
[Start Boot ROM...]
=== Load PARTBL ===

[BOOT Err]StartUp@0x0: Invalid RAM Img Signature!Boot_err(0xe2001811)

Hi @sp9dev, May I know if you have enter download mode on the board before uploading?

Firstly, to erase all the flash memory, you have to go to “Tools”-> “Erase All Flash Memory (16MB)” and select “Erase only” or “Erase then Upload”. Then, enter download mode by pressing and holding the UART DOWNLOAD button. While holding, press on the RESET button and release both UART DOWNLOAD and RESET buttons before clicking on upload. You can refer to the YouTube Tutorial Video here:

You will be able to see the following once you have successfully entered download mode in Serial Monitor.

Yes, I’m doing the sequence (UART DOWNLOAD button and RESET button) in all combinations, but it never enters the image download mode, it always stops at the Invalid RAM Img :frowning: