I have purchased the AMEBA Z2 AWS IOT EXPRESSLINK DEV development board.
Additionally, I’ve set up the Ubuntu build environment and built the sample source code. After building, I downloaded the generated flash_ls.bin
file using the AmebaZ2_PGTool. https://github.com/ambiot/ambz2_sdk/tree/master/project/realtek_amebaz2_v0_example
After completing the download, I encounter the following error log during boot:
== Rtl8710c IoT Platform ==
Chip VID: 5, Ver: 3
ROM Version: v3.0
[BOOT Err]Parttiton Table Header Verification Err!
StartUp@0x0: Invalid RAM Img Signature!
I would appreciate it if you could provide a guide to resolve this situation.
Thank you for your assistance. Best regards.