Select which person to track


Im using the AMB82-mini. It can track a human body fine.

However, how can i tell it which person to track in case there are multiple people in the video?

Is there a way to do that?


Hi @nsmith1024,

I noticed that you may be using object detection example on detect persons. However, this only allows you to classify whether it is a person or not. You may want to try modifying it by adding in facial recognition. This way, you may be able to detect a person with specific face.
Thank you.


Thanks for the reply. Instead of face maybe it can recognize their whole body and the clothes in case they turn their face away from the camera it would still work?

I notice the model can recognize all kinds of different things, however maybe i can delete all those things and uses that space to only recognize a specific whole body that the user selects?

  1. How do i do all of that?

  2. Is there an instruction page that tells how to do it? How to train it to detect a selected body?

  3. Does the AMB82-mini hardware have enough CPU power to do all that?


Hi @nsmith1024,

If you want to recognize objects which are not included in the example code, you have to customize by training a new model. After training a model you need to convert the save model into specific format, you may refer to this guide. After conversion you may follow this guide to deploy into this example code.

Thank you.