Face recognition and Face detection works like a charm when used in 2 different sketches.
But my goal is:
1- use a NN to recognize a registered face : facerecog.modelSelect(FACE_RECOGNITION, NA_MODEL, DEFAULT_SCRFD, DEFAULT_MOBILEFACENET);
2- and then a face dectection to get the face features key points: facedet.modelSelect(FACE_DETECTION, NA_MODEL, DEFAULT_SCRFD, NA_MODEL);
I tryed several approach with one input iostream to 2 outputs iostreams ( facedectection + facerecognition ) but only one works,
Face recognition example includes face detection as well. facerecog.modelSelect(FACE_RECOGNITION, NA_MODEL, DEFAULT_SCRFD, DEFAULT_MOBILEFACENET); as you can see from this line, SCRFD and MOBILEFACENET are used.
May I know if the face features key points refer to the 5 points that appear in face detection? Modifications to the example code might be able to make it appear in face recognition example.
You may give it a try by modifying the callback function in RTSPFaceRecognition.ino with reference to RTSPFaceDetection.ino. I will let you know again if I have any results as well.
“May I know if the face features key points refer to the 5 points that appear in face detection?” yes it s the goal.
Not sure to understand how to use your advice as I woukd like to get both the name of the recognized face and the face feature.
Could it be possible to have the code snippet?