thank you for your reply.
The SD card is working fine, and I have monitored that img_len
is always equal to 0, which is why I suspect there is an issue with Camera.getImage
Below are the messages I printed
11:56:47.666 → Build @ 15:49:32, Nov 11 2024
11:56:47.666 →
11:56:47.666 → $8735b>[video_voe_presetting] fps:30 w:1920 h:1080
11:56:47.666 → fwin(1),enc_en(0),IQ_OFFSET = 0x17b60
11:56:47.666 → fwin(1),enc_en(0),SENSOR_OFFSET = 0x2fba0
11:56:47.666 → sensor id 1 iq_data 17b60 sensor_data 2fba0
11:56:47.666 → VOE not init
11:56:47.666 → VOE_OUT_CMD type 2 command fail -1
11:56:47.666 → hal_voe_ready 0x0 0x1718
11:56:47.666 → sensor timestamp: 2024/09/12
11:56:47.699 → iq timestamp: 2023/05/15 14:48:54
11:56:47.699 → The fcs setup is finished
11:56:47.699 → [VOE]load time sensor:254us iq:4587us itcm:1018us dtcm:52us ddr:12134us ddr2:11278us
11:56:47.699 → [VOE]VOELOAD(18045)/FCS(43427)/ISPReady(25836)/FrameDone(59614) KMRST(139438) us
11:56:47.746 → fcs_start_time 62 fcs_voe_time 71 frame_done_time 130
11:56:47.746 → g_enc_buff_size 0 = 2356352
11:56:47.746 → g_enc_buff_size 1 = 1163776
11:56:47.746 → g_enc_buff_size 2 = 8
11:56:47.746 → Register disk driver to Fatfs.
11:56:47.825 → FATFS Register: disk driver 0
11:56:47.825 → SD_Init 0
11:56:47.870 → part_count = 0