Question about NFC on Ameba RTL8195AM Dev Board

I want to test NFC function on RTL8195AM Dev Board.

I have questions about NFC:

  1. There are no example code, so I searched the package, found that there is nfc_api.c. I write some test code for NFC, it did not working, I quote my code here:
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "diag.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "log_uart_api.h"
#include "nfc_api.h"

nfctag_t nfcobj;
uint32_t nfcvalue;

void my_nfc_event_cb(void *arg, void *buf, unsigned int page) {
    int i;
    printf("\n\rNFC Event[%d] : ", page);
    for(i=0;i<32;i++) {
        printf("%02X ", ((unsigned char *)buf)[i]);

void nfc_thread(void* arg) {
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // Initial NFC Reader
    printf("\n\rInitializing NFC ...\n\r");
    nfc_init(&nfcobj, &nfcvalue);
    while (1) {
        printf("\n\rNFC Reading...\n\r");
        nfc_read(&nfcobj, my_nfc_event_cb, NULL);

void main(void) {
    // ----------------------------------------------------
	/* Initialize log uart and at command service */
	if(xTaskCreate(nfc_thread, ((const char*)"init"), 512 + 768, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 3 + PRIORITIE_OFFSET, NULL) != pdPASS)
		printf("\n\r%s xTaskCreate(nfc_thread) failed", __FUNCTION__);

    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // FreeRTOS main loop

  1. I found that R19 and R20 near the antenna are not connected, I guess the antenna is not powered. Should I soldering them directly?

Thanks for your help!


nfc example for the SDK can be found here.

yes, you will need to solder the leads to the nfc antenna for the example to work.

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Hi @wyy

Thanks, it is informative to me.
I have another question by the way, I found the example code is using thread, I suppose that it needs RtOS to run. I also found RtOS is needed for wifi functions, according to my test, the bare-metal mode seem not work for wifi APIs. Is that true that FreeRTOS is needed for some SDK functions?

yes, bare-metal should work for the simpler peripheral functions (e.g. SPI, UART), but anything involving networking would probably need the RTOS.

Hi @wyy

I spent a lot of time to test the nfc example in GCC environment, there was a linking problem, which said the __get_IPSR() function is missing in cmsis.o. I googled for answer and added the function for it:

#pragma diag_suppress 994
uint32_t __get_IPSR(void)
   __asm(" MRS R0, IPSR\n");
// Restore warnings about any non-void function not returning a value
#pragma diag_default 994

After image built, I flashed the image successfully. But the system hung and no response.
The UART log stopped like this:

I even can’t use the GDB, it hung after I entered “step” command at the first line of main().

Can’t figure out how to identify the problem.

Hi @walkerfleck

It seems to be an issue with the CMSIS_OS API layer, the __get_IPSR function is already defined, but it cant seem to find it.

After getting rid of all CMSIS_OS function calls and replacing with FreeRTOS, I managed to get it working with my phone. It should also be possible to change the example to use no RTOS at all.

 *  Routines to access hardware
 *  Copyright (c) 2015 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
 *  This module is a confidential and proprietary property of RealTek and
 *  possession or use of this module requires written permission of RealTek.

#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"

#include "diag.h"
#include "main.h"

#include "nfc_api.h"
#include "flash_api.h"


#define NFC_MAX_PAGE_NUM 36
nfctag_t nfctag;
unsigned int  nfc_tag_content[NFC_MAX_PAGE_NUM];
unsigned char nfc_tag_dirty[NFC_MAX_PAGE_NUM];

#define RTK_NFC_UID 0x58
unsigned char nfc_default_uid[7] = {
    RTK_NFC_UID, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06

unsigned int evt = 0;

#define FLASH_APP_NFC_BASE   0x85000
flash_t flash_nfc;

void nfc_event_listener(void *arg, unsigned int event) {
    switch(event) {
        case NFC_EV_READ:
        case NFC_EV_WRITE:
        case NFC_EV_ERR:
        case NFC_EV_CACHE_READ:

 *  This callback function is called several times if tag is being written multiple pages.
 *  DO NOT put heavy task here otherwise it will block tag write and cause timeout failure.
void nfc_write_listener(void *arg, unsigned int page, unsigned int pgdat) {
    nfc_tag_content[page] = pgdat;
    nfc_tag_dirty[page] = 1;
    evt |= NFC_EV_WRITE;

int is_valid_nfc_uid() {
    int valid_content = 1;

    unsigned char uid[7];
    unsigned char bcc[2];

    uid[0] = (unsigned char)((nfc_tag_content[0] & 0x000000FF) >>  0);
    uid[1] = (unsigned char)((nfc_tag_content[0] & 0x0000FF00) >>  8);
    uid[2] = (unsigned char)((nfc_tag_content[0] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
    bcc[0] = (unsigned char)((nfc_tag_content[0] & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
    uid[3] = (unsigned char)((nfc_tag_content[1] & 0x000000FF) >>  0);
    uid[4] = (unsigned char)((nfc_tag_content[1] & 0x0000FF00) >>  8);
    uid[5] = (unsigned char)((nfc_tag_content[1] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
    uid[6] = (unsigned char)((nfc_tag_content[1] & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
    bcc[1] = (unsigned char)((nfc_tag_content[2] & 0x000000FF) >>  0);

    // verify Block Check Character
    if (bcc[0] != (0x88 ^ uid[0] ^ uid[1] ^ uid[2])) {
        valid_content = 0;
    if (bcc[1] != (uid[3] ^ uid[4] ^ uid[5] ^ uid[6])) {
        valid_content = 0;

    return valid_content;

unsigned int generate_default_tag_content() {
    unsigned int page_size = 0;

    memset(nfc_tag_content, 0, NFC_MAX_PAGE_NUM * sizeof(unsigned int));

    // calculate Block Check Character
    unsigned char bcc[2];
    bcc[0] = 0x88 ^ nfc_default_uid[0] ^ nfc_default_uid[1] ^ nfc_default_uid[2];
    bcc[1] = nfc_default_uid[3] ^ nfc_default_uid[4] ^ nfc_default_uid[5] ^ nfc_default_uid[6];

    // generate header
    nfc_tag_content[page_size++] = ((unsigned int)nfc_default_uid[0]) <<  0 |
                                   ((unsigned int)nfc_default_uid[1]) <<  8 |
                                   ((unsigned int)nfc_default_uid[2]) << 16 |
                                   ((unsigned int)            bcc[0]) << 24;
    nfc_tag_content[page_size++] = ((unsigned int)nfc_default_uid[3]) <<  0 |
                                   ((unsigned int)nfc_default_uid[4]) <<  8 |
                                   ((unsigned int)nfc_default_uid[5]) << 16 |
                                   ((unsigned int)nfc_default_uid[6]) << 24;
    nfc_tag_content[page_size++] = ((unsigned int)            bcc[1]) <<  0;
    nfc_tag_content[page_size++] = 0x001211E1;

    // Init tag content as NDEF will-known text message "HELLO WORLD!" in little endian
    nfc_tag_content[page_size++] = 0x01d11303;
    nfc_tag_content[page_size++] = 0x6502540f;
    nfc_tag_content[page_size++] = 0x4c45486e;
    nfc_tag_content[page_size++] = 0x57204f4c;
    nfc_tag_content[page_size++] = 0x444c524f;
    nfc_tag_content[page_size++] = 0x0000fe21;

    return page_size;

void nfc_load_tag_content_from_flash() {
    int i, address, page_size;

    memset(nfc_tag_content, 0, NFC_MAX_PAGE_NUM * sizeof(unsigned int));
    memset(nfc_tag_dirty, 0, NFC_MAX_PAGE_NUM);

    for (i = 0, address = FLASH_APP_NFC_BASE; i < NFC_MAX_PAGE_NUM; i++, address+=4) {
        flash_read_word(&flash_nfc, address, &nfc_tag_content[i]);

    if (!is_valid_nfc_uid() || NFC_RESTORE_DEFAULT) {
        DiagPrintf("Invalid tag content, restore to default value\r\n");
        page_size = generate_default_tag_content();

        // update to flash
        flash_erase_sector(&flash_nfc, FLASH_APP_NFC_BASE);
        for (i = 0, address = FLASH_APP_NFC_BASE; i < page_size; i++, address += 4) {
            flash_write_word(&flash_nfc, address, nfc_tag_content[i]);


void nfc_store_tag_content() {
    int i, address;
    int modified_page_count;

    // dump the modified tag content
    modified_page_count = 0;
    for (i = 4; i < NFC_MAX_PAGE_NUM && nfc_tag_dirty[i]; i++) {
        DiagPrintf("page:%02d data:%08x\r\n", i, nfc_tag_content[i]);

    // update to cache from page 4
    nfc_cache_write(&nfctag, &(nfc_tag_content[4]), 4, modified_page_count);

    modified_page_count += 4; // we also need update tag header to flash which has size 4
    flash_erase_sector(&flash_nfc, FLASH_APP_NFC_BASE);
    for (i = 0, address = FLASH_APP_NFC_BASE; i < modified_page_count; i++, address += 4) {
        flash_write_word(&flash_nfc, address, nfc_tag_content[i]);


void nfc_task(void const *arg) {
    int i;
    //osEvent evt;


    nfc_init(&nfctag, nfc_tag_content);
    nfc_event(&nfctag, nfc_event_listener, NULL, 0xFF);
    nfc_write(&nfctag, nfc_write_listener, NULL);

    evt &= ~NFC_EV_WRITE;

    while(1) {
        if (evt & NFC_EV_WRITE) {


            memset(nfc_tag_dirty, 0, NFC_MAX_PAGE_NUM);
            evt &= ~NFC_EV_WRITE;

  * @brief  Main program.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void main(void)
    xTaskCreate(nfc_task, ((const char*)"nfc_thread"), 1024, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL);


    //3 3)Enable Schedule, Start Kernel

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Yeah, It’s the issue from CMSIS_OS API, it worked from my side also, after I removed all CMSIS_OS API calls.

Thanks a lot!

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