Load Age-Gender Model on AMB82

Hi all,

How can we load the age-gender model into AMB82? Is this possible ?

Something similar to this ? Gender-and-Age-Detection/age_net.caffemodel at master · smahesh29/Gender-and-Age-Detection · GitHub

Can we load .caffemodel into AMB82 ?


Not directly. Models need to be converted into network binaries that the NPU can use.

For projects that use the open source Arduino SDK, you can use this converter: Amebapro2 AI Convert Model – Realtek IoT/Wi-Fi MCU Solutions (you must be logged in to even see the tool).

I assume that the NDA-protected SDK would allow you to use more models, but I can’t speak to whether they have tools to convert caffemodel files into the nb files required. But I also imagine that there should be enough information there to help you create your own converter.

No, you cannot directly load a .caffemodel into the AMB82. The AMB82 platform requires specific model formats and toolchains; you would need to convert the model or use a compatible framework.