I’m sorry, but isn’t there a hardware reset button already? Why try to reconfigure the “Burn” button to become a “Reset” button.
Is it you are trying to perform a software reset? It feels it is easier to use an external button to a GPIO pin, then call the sys_reset() API when the GPIO signal is received.
I’m not looking for a regular reset. I store config parameters in flash, and a wrong config could prevent my project to run. What I want to achive is a ‘factory reset’ button that will delete all config stored.
Of course I can wire a button to any available gpio but I was trying to save that extra hardware (and work) providing We already hace a button wired.
But, as far as I"ve been able to find in the schematics, it is wired to the same pin as Log_tx so it is not going to work
I have also looked at the schematics and it seemed that you are right.
Another way I can think of 1) Ensure that you do a software check that the correct config is being loaded, else warning messages will appear. If a wrong config is input, then change the config to some default values that would make your project work. 2) Instead of using a button, can consider using AT command?
This was my Last option. I do have several ‘fail safe’ options and this was my Last resort in case everything else fails.
My device is completly headless, I can créate some sort of command through the serial console, but the end user will need to have the usb to serial dtivers in his pc… Thats why I was looking for something completly autónomos.
But I give UP. I,'m not going to wire UP a button and change the case…