Inquiry Regarding Porting AWS SDK to AmebaD (rtl8720dm)


We are planning to develop a Wifi module using the AmebaD (8720DM) development board.

We would like to use the following AWS SDK in the ambd_sdk (GitHub - ambiot/ambd_sdk: Release SDK for AmebaD):

FreeRTOS Kernel              10.4.3-LTS-Patch-2   freertos_v10.4.3 @ 1e084392
FreeRTOS+TCP                 2.3.2-LTS-Patch-2    Not Supported
coreMQTT                     1.1.0                coreMQTT @ ff9830a
coreHTTP                     2.0.0                coreHTTP @ b349f89
corePKCS11                   3.0.0                corePKCS11 @ cc4129e
coreJSON                     3.0.0                coreJSON @ 26fe707
AWS IoT Device Shadow        1.0.2                device_shadow_for_aws @ 508ce43
AWS IoT OTA                  3.0.0                ota_for_aws  @ 666241d
AWS IoT Jobs                 1.1.0                jobs_for_asw @ 1978844
AWS IoT Device Defender      1.1.0                device_defender_for_aws @ 548b468
AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning   1.0.1                fleet-provisioning @ c04b33ce

Below is an example of how you can use the AWS SDK in the ambz2 SDK:

Support amazon-freertos aws iot.
1. git clone -b amazon
2. git submodule update --init --recursive --depth 1
3. Modify lib_amazon/freertos_LTS/vendors/realtek/boards/amebaZ2/aws_demos/config_files/aws_demo_config.h
4. cd project/realtek_amebaz2_v0_example/GCC-RELEASE/
5. make amazon
6. make is

Is there a way and guide in the ambd_sdk to port the AWS SDK in a similar manner? We only have a Linux GCC development environment and do not have an IAR development environment.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.