So now that I’ve successfuly erased the default firmware on a module (green PCB). I want to do the same with a standalone BW16.
I’ve wired similarly to this setup : (because I followed this tutorial
I’m able to get the B&T logo. But I don’t kown how to get access to the special shell where I can type AT Commands.
I’ve tried to use image tool to erase the firmware but it didn’t work.
The B&T logo should only appear on serial_Tx and serial_Rx, while the image upload and image erase function operates over log_Tx and log_Rx, so those two pins should be connected. Then enter image upload mode by connecting log_Tx to GND and resetting.
Yes those two pins and only those two pins are connected (of course VCC and GND are also connected)
I did the procedure multiple times
but all I got is this:
The question marks should be normal. The chip sends NAK over UART when it is waiting in download mode, which shows up as unprintable characters.
the additional information with the B&T logo shows that the B&T image hardfaults after booting. I suspect that this may be due to an incomplete flash erase, do you know if this appeared the first time, before you tried erasing it?
Another possibility is that your USB-UART adapter is unable to supply sufficient current on the 3.3V line, you might want to try a standalone power supply, or grab the 3.3V from other development boards.
Also, how does the flash erase procedure fail? are there any error messages?
I don’t remember if I was seeing this error message when I first plugged the device.
In others case this is the screenshot of the image tool doing flash erase (I tried many Baud rates)
I use the FT232 UART to USB adapter
I tried to connect the 3.3V line of the BW16 to the 3.3V line of the not standalone development board along with ground
I also tried to connect the same 3.3V to a external power supply along with ground
But it failed
(note: when in use with the external PS the BW16 sometimes keep resetings and sometimes send B&T logo with no error message )
I don’t known if my UART adapter is designed to be powered with the 5V of its USB and at the same time have the 3.3V line plugged via an external PS.
It may well be because of the 3.3V supply. I will try to do different setup.
Do you have advice for the wiring?
ok so I’m now to the point where Image Tool is not outputing any errors it’s just flashing very quickly just say:
COM3 is open successfully!
Flash erase is processing…
COM3 is closed successfully!
no error of “clear flash status register fail”
So I guess it’s a step in the right direction
but it’s still not working because the B&T logo it still there.
a few questions:
Is the B&T firmware still hardfaulting after boot?
What chip is on the USB-UART adapter, and what baudrate are you using in the image tool?
Perhaps you can try erasing 4MB of flash?
No the B&T isn’t hardfaulting after boot thanks to proper wiring with the power supply
I’m using the FT 232 USB-UART adapter
I’m using 115200 as a baudrate in the image tool like instructed by this tutorial
Ok so I finally managed to flash a standalone BW16.
And without even using windows.
I got access to the AT command interface via Serial PB1 & PB2 baudrate 38400
I used the Over the Air method : connected to my WiFi and on my linux issued the command : cat OTA.bin | nc -lvnp 8002
to spawn a TCP server to send the firmware.
It worked perfectly.