Has anyone managed to get the BLEV7RC_CAR_VIDEO example working?

I have not had any success with the BLEV7RC example. Having followed all the instructions I cannot get the video working or the car movement controls. I have tried the app on an Android phone and on an iPad with the same results. The app indicates that the connections (both WiFi and BT) are ok but there is no response from the serial monitor. When I press the orange button to enable video it just puts a line through the button. Moving the up/down and left/right controls produces no output from the serial monitor.

it works fine with Android phone, but may not work with iPhone/iPAD.

have you managed to get the BLE controls working at the same time as the camera? As soon as I select WiFi I lose the BLE controls and I get no video. The video works fine if I use VLC to view it so it looks like it is a problem with the V7RC app

Hi @samlewis02,

May I know what phone you are using?

Thank you.

I was using a Samsung Flip 6 without success but now I have tried it on a Google Pixel 4a and it works: both video and BLE commands. I have informed the V7RC app developer about the issue.