Can't view rtsp stream from my AMB82-mini

I used to be able to stream for a bit (2-3 minutes), then the stream would stop.
so I re-uploaded the code, entered my ssid and credentials and uploaded the code using arduino IDE 2.3.4 and the realtek Ameba board manager v4.08.

and I’m not able to stream anymore… the stream fails using vlc???
or any other streaming app.

I even tried reducing the bitrate (1 mb) and setting it to use the stream 1 (1280x720)

    Camera.configVideoChannel(CHANNEL, configV);
#define CHANNEL 1

here is what shows upin the serial monitor:

05:58:12.398 -> == Rtl8735b IoT Platform ==
05:58:12.398 -> 
05:58:12.398 -> [Normal mode]
05:58:12.398 -> BootFromNORFlash
05:58:12.398 -> [Start Boot ROM...]
05:58:12.398 -> === Load PARTBL ===
05:58:12.398 -> === Load Done ===
05:58:12.398 -> === Load ISP_IQ ===
05:58:12.398 -> [fcs chk pass]
05:58:12.398 -> ISP_IQ @ 0x8461080, 0x2ff80, 0x0
05:58:12.442 -> mfcs_data version 0x00010001
05:58:12.442 -> fcs_data version 0x00010101
05:58:12.442 -> === Process ISP_IQ ===
05:58:12.442 -> === Load Done ===
05:58:12.442 -> === Load BL ===
05:58:12.442 -> [Image Start Table @ 0x18200]
05:58:12.475 -> === Load Done ===
05:58:12.475 -> 
05:58:12.475 -> == Boot Loader ==
05:58:12.475 -> Oct 24 2024:17:41:10
05:58:12.475 -> === Load FCS Para ===
05:58:12.475 -> === Load Done ===
05:58:12.475 -> [crc pass]
05:58:12.475 -> === Load ISP_IQ Sensor ===
05:58:12.475 -> ISP_IQ @ 0x8461080, 0x2ff80
05:58:12.507 -> === Process ISP_IQ ===
05:58:12.507 -> === Load Done ===
05:58:12.507 -> === Load FW1 ===
05:58:12.507 -> FW_ISP_IQ @ 0x8061080, 0x31f80
05:58:12.507 -> === Process FW_ISP_IQ ===
05:58:12.507 -> DRAM_TYPE is DDR2 128MB.
05:58:12.507 -> ddr_freq = 533
05:58:12.507 -> VOE flash @ 0x8093080, 0x80f80
05:58:12.507 -> FCS KM_status 0x00002081 err 0x0000200a
05:58:12.507 -> Wait KM fcs done 0 us
05:58:12.507 -> FCS TM_status 0x003f0000 
05:58:12.507 -> store fcs data for application 
05:58:12.507 -> It don't do the sensor initial process
05:58:12.541 -> RAM TM_STATUS 0x00bf1208 err 0x00001208
05:58:12.541 ->  read fcs_status 0x000000bf
05:58:12.541 ->  read fcs_status 0x000000bf
05:58:12.541 -> === Process VOE IMG ===
05:58:12.541 -> [Image Start Table @ 0x20106200]
05:58:12.581 -> RAM Load @ 0x8114100->0x20106200, 0x6264
05:58:12.672 -> DDR Load @ 0x811b080->0x70100000, 0x1df5f1
05:58:12.672 -> === FW Load Done ===
05:58:12.672 -> 
05:58:12.672 -> Boot Loader <==
05:58:12.706 -> 
05:58:12.706 -> == RAM Start ==
05:58:12.706 -> Build @ 17:32:16, Oct 24 2024
05:58:12.706 -> set ASP print off

05:58:12.706 -> 
05:58:12.706 -> $8735b>set ASP print off

05:58:12.706 -> Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: Wi-Fi network
05:58:12.706 -> interface 0 is initialized
05:58:12.706 -> 
interface 1 is initialized
05:58:12.706 -> 
cfg_size_lib = 40, cfg_size_user = 40
05:58:12.706 -> 

05:58:12.706 -> 

Initializing WIFI ...[Driver]: [HALMAC]
05:58:12.706 -> 
05:58:12.706 -> 
05:58:12.706 -> 
05:58:12.743 -> 

[Driver]: The driver include MP
05:58:12.775 -> 

[Driver]: Ver = libwlan:2024.
05:58:12.775 -> 

RFE type = 0
05:58:12.775 -> 

start_addr=(0x4000), end_addr=(0x8000), buffer_size=(0x4000), smp_number_max=(2048)
05:58:12.856 -> 
05:58:12.856 -> 
WIFI initialized
05:58:12.856 -> 
05:58:12.856 -> 

[Driver]: set ssid [Wi-Fi network] 
05:58:12.902 -> 
[Driver]: rtw_joinbss_cmd MGMT_FRAME_PROTECTION_OPTIONAL no pmf.
05:58:16.968 -> 

[Driver]: OnBeacon rtw_get_sec_ie (ielen: 234, rsn_len: 0, wpa_len: 0), channel: 8
05:58:17.138 -> 

05:58:17.138 -> 

[Driver]: start auth to 60:6c:63:30:95:18
05:58:17.179 -> 
05:58:17.179 -> 

[Driver]: auth success, start assoc
05:58:17.179 -> 
05:58:17.179 -> 

[Driver]: association success(res=12)
05:58:17.179 -> 
05:58:17.179 -> 

[Driver]: set pairwise key to hw: alg:4(WEP40-1 WEP104-5 TKIP-2 AES-4)
05:58:17.213 -> 
05:58:17.213 -> 

[Driver]: set group key to hw: alg:4(WEP40-1 WEP104-5 TKIP-2 AES-4) keyid:1
05:58:17.213 -> 
(0) Scan: 1, Auth: 1, Assoc: 1, 4way: 1, connect: 1, reason: 0
05:58:17.213 -> 

05:58:17.659 -> 

[Driver]: set group key to hw: alg:4(WEP40-1 WEP104-5 TKIP-2 AES-4) keyid:2
05:58:17.659 -> 
05:58:18.256 -> 

Interface 0 IP address :
05:58:18.256 -> 
[Driver]: TSFValue = 706210201984, tsf = 0, shift_set= 0x8000, bcn int = 200
05:58:19.221 -> 

05:58:19.221 -> 

[video_voe_presetting] fps:30  w:1920  h:1080   
05:58:20.264 -> 
fwin(1),enc_en(0),IQ_OFFSET = 0x17b60
05:58:20.264 -> 
 fwin(1),enc_en(0),SENSOR_OFFSET = 0x2fba0
05:58:20.264 -> 
sensor id 1 iq_data 17b60 sensor_data 2fba0
05:58:20.264 -> 
ctx->enc_info.frameLength * 2 = 2048
05:58:20.264 -> 
05:58:20.264 -> 

RTSP[0] port: 554
05:58:20.264 -> 

connect successful sta mode

05:58:20.264 -> 
05:58:20.264 -> 

rtsp stream enabledhal_voe_ready 0x0 0xbf1208 
05:58:20.264 -> 
 read fcs_status 0x000000bf
05:58:20.264 -> 
[video_init] uvcd iq is null, use default.
05:58:20.299 -> 
[video_init] uvcd SNR is null, use default.
05:58:20.299 -> 
IQ:FW size (98342)
05:58:20.299 -> 
sensor:date 2024/9/12 version:RTL8735B_VOE_1.5.7.0
05:58:20.331 -> 
sensor:FW size (5412)
05:58:20.331 -> 
sensor timestamp: 2024/09/12
05:58:20.331 -> 
iq timestamp: 2023/05/15 14:48:54
05:58:20.331 -> 
voe_heap malloc 0x70534bc0, size 18848768
05:58:20.331 -> 
ISP:1 ENC:1 H265:1 NN:1
05:58:20.331 -> 
hal_voe_ready 0x0 0xbf1208 
05:58:20.331 -> 
voe   :RTL8735B_VOE_1.5.8.0 
05:58:20.331 -> 
05:58:20.364 -> 
hal   :RTL8735B_VOE_1.5.8.0 
05:58:20.364 -> 
load time sensor:482us iq:8744us itcm:0us dtcm:0us ddr:0us ddr2:0us
05:58:20.364 -> 
Set H264 default HIGH profile
05:58:20.364 -> [video_pre_init_procedure] START
05:58:20.364 -> 
[VOE]ext_in = 0 sync = 0
05:58:20.364 -> 
[VOE][Ini set0]init dn 0 hdr 0 mirrorflip 0xf0
05:58:20.364 -> 
[VOE]g_init_fps: 30
05:58:20.364 -> 

[VOE]md init success
05:58:20.364 -> 

[VOE]algo ver 187ea48 
05:58:20.364 -> 
[VOE]pack_v 0x0000 0x0002 cus_v 0 iq_id 0 dn 0 day 0 night 1 other 2 offset 224 length 16436 iq_size 32716 
05:58:20.396 -> 
[VOE]Ver 0x0001000c Fast3A Cnt AE 1 AWB 1 period AE 5 AWB 1 delay 0 0 
05:58:20.396 -> 
[VOE]hdr_mode 0 sensor driver num 1 
05:58:20.396 -> 
[VOE]fps max 30.000000 min 2.000000 
05:58:20.430 -> 
[VOE]exposure_step 29.629629
05:58:20.430 -> 
[VOE]change sensor mode => 1920x1080@30.000000fps - 'linear' 
05:58:20.430 -> 
[VOE]min_fps 2.000000, max_fps 30.000000, exp_step 29.629629 dyn_fps 30.000000
05:58:20.430 -> 
[VOE]exposure_step 29.629629
05:58:20.430 -> 
[VOE]change sensor mode => 1920x1080@30.000000fps - 'linear' 
05:58:20.430 -> 
[VOE]min_fps 2.000000, max_fps 30.000000, exp_step 29.629629 dyn_fps 30.000000
05:58:20.430 -> 
[VOE]md ver 0x6d640100 
05:58:20.430 -> 
[VOE]ae ver 0x61650200 
05:58:20.430 -> 
[VOE]awb ver 0x77620100 
05:58:20.430 -> 
[VOE]short exp mode is not implemented by this sensor.
05:58:20.430 -> [VOE]cur_hdr_mode = 0
05:58:20.430 -> 
[VOE]VOE MEM Size = 18407 Used=  3565 KB Free=14841 KB (15197632)
05:58:20.468 -> 
[VOE]stream 0  buffer 0: 0x708b0200 size 3110400 
05:58:20.468 -> 
[VOE]stream 0  buffer 1: 0x70ba7a00 size 3110400 
05:58:20.468 -> 
[VOE]first_config_osd2_block_num[0]: 1
05:58:20.468 -> 

[VOE]osd2_block_num[0]: 24
05:58:20.468 -> 

[VOE]NV12 1920x1080 1/30
05:58:20.468 -> 
[VOE]dynamic set fps 0 -> 30 ok
05:58:20.468 -> 
[VOE]short exp mode is not implemented by this sensor.
05:58:20.468 -> [VOE]sensor power on
05:58:20.501 -> [VOE]early mirror/flip 0 0
05:58:20.501 -> 
[VOE]zoom crop default setting
05:58:20.501 -> 

[VOE]cropw: 1920, croph: 1080
05:58:20.501 -> 

[VOE]scale down set_mcrop
05:58:20.501 -> 

[VOE]status == 1718
05:58:20.501 -> 
[VOE]buffer size == (0x70edece0) (1307776 259200) queue(638)
05:58:20.501 -> 
[VOE]Set rate control: bpsqp -1 qpRange I[25, 48] PB[25, 48]    524288 bps  pic 1 skip 0  hrd 0  cpbSize 1000000 bitrateWindow 30 intraQpDelta -5 fixedIntraQp  0
05:58:20.535 -> 
[VOE]Set PreP: input [VOE]frame_e1920x1080 :nd: sensor d offset    idn't initia0x0 : formalize done !
05:58:20.535 -> t 1 : rotat

ion 0cc 0 : scaling 0 : scaling format 0
05:58:20.535 -> 
[VOE]vcenc_set_ref_pic_set() NULL
05:58:20.535 -> hal_voe_send2voe too long 181189 cmd 0x00000206 p1 0x00000000 p2 0x00000000
05:58:20.575 -> 
05:58:21.572 -> - Summary of Streaming -
05:58:21.572 -> ------------------------------
05:58:21.572 -> 
05:58:21.572 -> 
[INFO] Channel: 0
05:58:21.572 -> 

05:58:21.572 -> 
[INFO] Encoder type: H264
05:58:21.572 -> 

05:58:21.572 -> 
[INFO] Resolution: VIDEO_FHD
05:58:21.572 -> 

05:58:21.572 -> 
[INFO] Video width: 1920
05:58:21.572 -> 

05:58:21.572 -> 
[INFO] Video height: 1080
05:58:21.572 -> 

05:58:21.572 -> 
[INFO] fps: 30
05:58:21.572 -> 

05:58:21.572 -> 
[INFO] bps: 1048576
05:58:21.572 -> 
- RTSP -
05:58:21.572 -> rtsp://
05:58:21.572 -> 
[INFO] 554
05:58:21.572 -> 
- Audio -
05:58:21.572 -> 
05:58:21.572 -> 
05:58:21.572 -> 

05:58:21.572 -> 
[INFO] Sample rate: 8000 Hz
05:58:21.572 -> 

05:58:21.572 -> 
[INFO] Word length: 16 bit
05:58:21.605 -> 
05:58:26.777 -> 

[Local] Connected by
05:58:26.810 -> 

[Local] Enter rtsp request_loop
05:58:26.810 -> 


05:58:26.810 -> No config

05:58:26.810 -> rtsp_cmd_options

05:58:26.810 -> check_rtsp_url

05:58:26.810 -> No config

05:58:26.810 -> rtsp_cmd_describe

05:58:26.810 -> [Local] REQUEST_PLAY
05:58:26.810 -> 

05:58:26.810 -> 

rtp started (UDP)
05:58:26.850 -> 

05:58:27.680 -> 

05:58:27.680 -> 

ch = 0 sf:25 df:0 l:0%
05:58:27.680 -> 

ch = 1 sf:7 df:0 l:0%
05:58:27.680 -> 

[Local] Socket closed
05:58:27.680 -> 

05:58:27.680 -> 

rtp stopped (UDP)
05:58:27.680 -> 

05:58:29.663 -> 

[Local] Connected by
05:58:29.663 -> 

[Local] Enter rtsp request_loop
05:58:29.663 -> 


05:58:29.663 -> No config

05:58:29.663 -> rtsp_cmd_options

05:58:29.663 -> check_rtsp_url

05:58:29.663 -> No config

05:58:29.663 -> rtsp_cmd_describe

05:58:29.705 -> [Local] REQUEST_PLAY
05:58:29.705 -> 

05:58:29.705 -> 

rtp started (TCP)
05:58:29.705 -> 

[Driver]: skb_unavailable=5 in last 2 seconds
05:58:34.895 -> 
05:58:34.895 -> 

[Driver]: skb_unavailable=25 in last 2 seconds
05:58:36.920 -> 
05:58:36.920 -> 

[Driver]: skb_unavailable=18 in last 2 seconds
05:58:38.929 -> 
05:58:38.929 -> 

[Driver]: skb_unavailable=22 in last 2 seconds
05:58:40.941 -> 
05:58:40.941 -> 

[Driver]: skb_unavailable=5 in last 2 seconds
05:58:42.936 -> 
05:58:42.936 -> 

[Driver]: skb_unavailable=1 in last 2 seconds
05:58:44.949 -> 
05:58:44.949 -> 

[Driver]: skb_unavailable=7 in last 2 seconds
05:58:46.964 -> 
05:58:46.964 -> 

[Driver]: skb_unavailable=2 in last 2 seconds
05:58:48.975 -> 
05:58:48.975 -> 

[Driver]: skb_unavailable=6 in last 2 seconds
05:58:50.959 -> 
05:58:50.959 -> 

[Driver]: skb_unavailable=8 in last 2 seconds
05:58:54.998 -> 
05:58:54.998 -> 

[Driver]: skb_unavailable=5 in last 2 seconds
05:58:59.004 -> 
05:58:59.004 -> 

05:58:59.743 -> 

ch = 0 sf:901 df:0 l:0%
05:58:59.743 -> 

ch = 1 sf:235 df:0 l:0%
05:58:59.743 -> 

[Driver]: skb_unavailable=3 in last 2 seconds
05:59:01.003 -> 
05:59:01.003 -> 

[Driver]: skb_unavailable=13 in last 2 seconds
05:59:03.030 -> 
05:59:03.030 -> 

[Driver]: skb_unavailable=5 in last 2 seconds
05:59:07.038 -> 
05:59:07.038 -> 

[Driver]: skb_unavailable=7 in last 2 seconds
05:59:09.021 -> 

and then this keeps showing and I cant see the stream in VLC
It’s not a firewall issue…

Please help!

Hi @Fabien_Dostie, I just tested it on my side using the SingleVideoWithAudio.ino example with Realtek Ameba Board Manager V4.0.8, and it seems to be working. May I get the code you are currently modifying or testing so that I can assist you better? Thank you.

Hi @Fabien_Dostie , you may test on changing the setting in VLC on tools-> Preferences-> Input/Codes and change the Live555 Stream Transport from HTTP to RTP. Thank you.

But the errors I get happen before I can know the rtsp stream IP in arduino?!
so this change in the “player” affects in no way!

Not streaming

Hi @Fabien_Dostie,

Are you using the default camera sensor?

What camera option are you choosing on the Arduino IDE?

Thank you.

all standard, nothing modified whatsoever!
I took the example from the Arduino IDE, put my credentials for wifi. That’s it!