Auto Flash Mode' in the Arduino IDE Environment

I joined the forum today and I’m happy about it.
I have purchased the AMB82-MINI board and started testing it.
First of all, I’m amazed at the seamless video stream.
I would like to thank the experts active in this forum, and I have my first question. What is the method to activate the “Auto Flash Mode” in the Arduino IDE environment?
I would like to ask for an explanation from anyone who knows this method.
Thank you.

Thanks for choosing AMB82-MINI.

Currently for this version of AMB82-MINI, we are not supporting Auto Flash Mode mode in Arduino yet. However, we would like to add in this feature in our future released boards.

Thank you.

Thank you for your prompt response.

Alternatively, you may refer to this guide adding external circuits to achieve auto uploading feature. Since we are supporting this feature for our third party boards but not for AMB82-MINI.

Thank you.
I will incorporate your suggestions into the design of my custom board as soon as I acquire the Ameba RTL8735BDM.
However, I am uncertain when I will be able to obtain the module alone.
It is currently out of stock at
hanol Ju

2023년 11월 14일 (화) 오후 4:34, QQZ via Realtek Ameba IOT Developers Forum (AMB82 RTL8722 RTL8195 RTL8710 RTL8720 BW16 Development board) - IOT / MCU Solutions 瑞昱開發者論壇 開發板 开發者论坛 开發板 <>님이 작성:

@hanallju ,
Thanks for letting us know about the module running out of stock. (

We will contact IC Shop to back up the stock ASAP.


Thank you for your swift response.

Hi @hanallju ,

ICShop has placed an order and is waiting for the module production.
Please wait for a few more weeks and check again.
