hai @Kelvin_Huang
I’m looking for add the camera module(AMB82-mini),in my app for that I’m writing code for first BLE advertise to connect in app,after that i try to send wifi ssid and password from my app,that module should verify and connect…For this requirement what could i do in my device side code.i tired many logic not got proper structure to work this task.
Hi @ManiKandan,
Maybe this example (BLE – WiFi Configuration Service – Realtek IoT/Wi-Fi MCU Solutions) will be what you are looking for.
The only difference here is you replace the app with your own application.
Thank you.
@kelvin but after connecting with ble I’ll send the wifi said and password through how it will receive verify and connect
Hi @ManiKandan,
You will have to write your own logic for setting the callback function when you receive the wifi ssid and password info. You may need to modify
Thank you.
@Kelvin_Huang I need to use that in Arduino ide…could tell give the code for check the wifi and connect if available.
Hai @Kelvin_Huang I have tired so many logic,but after ble adv it doesn’t receive the ssid and password correctly and connect,Could u please give me functional code for this requirement it will be helpful and understand for next time.
Hi @ManiKandan,
This is the guide to connect to the WiFi. (WiFi – Connect to WiFi networks – Realtek IoT/Wi-Fi MCU Solutions). First you need to check if you have received the SSID and password info via BLEUART on the board.
Then you parse the acquired SSID and password info and connect it to the wifi using the WiFi.begin(ssid,pass) API.
Thank you.
Hai @Kelvin_Huang
Yes I have tired this example,but the thing is after ble connected if i send the data it receives invalid command.
Hai @Kelvin_Huang okay can u tell me what are the api key needed for connect my device with app and platform to perform actions like,Play,pause,stop…by motion sensor can it happen through rtsp stream??
Hi @ManiKandan,
You may refer to RTSP.h and RTSP.cpp for the APIs for controlling of the RTSP stream. I think currently the API do not have the pause yet. Only start and stop. For example, RTSP.begin(); and RTSP.end();
Thank you.
Hai @Kelvin_Huang
Can you tell me how can i get my device mac address for sending identify through mqtt.
Hai @Kelvin_Huang
We are planning to set the AMB82-mini as Doorbell connect with our mobile app and platform with basic functionalities like monitor,doorbell button those things.
here we are trying to connect the module with app in commissioning part and I need to need clarity how protocol will work,If user connected device in app it will add into platform,for functionality mqtt protocol will have for device,app& platform,Here if user is in different place how rtsp will send the video/audio data to him??because in examples we are using local ip how it will work if user in different place.
Hi @ManiKandan,
You may get the macaddress of the AP by referring to the source code in the picture.
Thank you.
Hi @ManiKandan,
Sorry, I could not fully understand your requirements.
You app is using MQTT to transmit video/audio data?
Thank you.
Hai @Kelvin_Huang
In the camera module AMB82-mini,using rtsp it is connecting with local router ip it doesn’t work with my requirement,
I’m trying make the module as Doorbell which connect with my app and integrate in platform,anyway app and platform willl communicate through mqtt protocl,Now if the user tries to monitor the camera on that time camera data will send to app or platform,using which protocol or method it will use i don’t think so rtsp will do this part bcoz it contains local ip.
Hai @Kelvin_Huang
In example rtsp code it streams the data rtp(udp),I need to send the streaming data to particular our TCP server,can u tell me how I can archive this task.
Thank you.
hai @Kelvin_Huang
Our module Realtek AMB82-mini,will support for connect with TUYA Platform and app.