App connection for AMB82-minin

hai @Kelvin_Huang
I’m looking for add the camera module(AMB82-mini),in my app for that I’m writing code for first BLE advertise to connect in app,after that i try to send wifi ssid and password from my app,that module should verify and connect…For this requirement what could i do in my device side code.i tired many logic not got proper structure to work this task.

Hi @ManiKandan,

Maybe this example (BLE – WiFi Configuration Service – Realtek IoT/Wi-Fi MCU Solutions) will be what you are looking for.

The only difference here is you replace the app with your own application.

Thank you.

@kelvin but after connecting with ble I’ll send the wifi said and password through how it will receive verify and connect

Hi @ManiKandan,

You will have to write your own logic for setting the callback function when you receive the wifi ssid and password info. You may need to modify

. Please use the callback function. Once you manage to receive and verify the wifi information, you may refer to the ConnectToWiFi examples for WEP or WPA security.ino to connect to the Wifi.

Thank you.

@Kelvin_Huang I need to use that in Arduino ide…could tell give the code for check the wifi and connect if available.