Ambd_sdk 開啟ble peripheral無法掃描到裝置

使用AMB21開發版,從github上下載ambd_sdk,編譯ble_peripheral examlpe後燒錄到開發版上,輸入ATBp=1後卻無法搜尋到裝置,Log看起來並沒有甚麼異常,請問是甚麼問題呢?

BT BUILD Date: 2024/08/16-14:26:20
===>Retention Ram Init
BT Reset…
physical efuse: has data hci_tp_phy_efuse[1]= 9e

bt_iqk_dump: DUMP,
the IQK_xx data is 0x107,
the IQK_yy data is 0x4,
the QDAC data is 0x1e,
the IDAC data is 0x20,
hci_read_rom_check: rom_version 0x0002, bt_hci_chip_id 0x0003

BT ADDRESS: 70:1d:08:0c:07:54

WRITE physical FLATK=tx_flatk=f01

hci_tp_config:BT INIT success 7
Start upperStack
app_handle_gap_msg: subtype 1
app_handle_dev_state_evt: init state 1, adv state 0, cause 0x0
GAP stack ready

[BLE peripheral] GAP stack ready
app_handle_gap_msg: subtype 1
app_handle_dev_state_evt: init state 1, adv state 1, cause 0x0
app_handle_gap_msg: subtype 1
app_handle_dev_state_evt: init state 1, adv state 2, cause 0x0
GAP adv start

Hi Chihta,
冒昧請問一下,您AMB21開發板的IO電壓用的是3.3V還是1.8V?我也在用AMB21開發板,發現UART_DOWNLOAD只有在3.3V IO時才能工作。1.8V IO時無法進入UART_DOWNLOAD模式。所以想看看您用幾伏的IO 電壓。謝謝!


Hi @Chihta_Tang ,
您好,請問您的ambd_sdk 是從 GitHub - Ameba-AIoT/ameba-rtos-d: AmebaD SoC SDK 上下載的嗎?謝謝