AMB82-MINI getting error: vipnn not applied

AMB82-MINI getting error: vipnn not applied

Running ObjectDetectionLoop.ino

it is getting video feed ok but
on Serial Monitor it is printing

Total number of objects detected = 0

error: vipnn not applied

Network URL for RTSP Streaming: rtsp://

Total number of objects detected = 0

error: vipnn not applied

Network URL for RTSP Streaming: rtsp://

Hi @chompangyi, which SDK version are you using? You can check it at boards manager on Arduino IDE. Are you running the default examples in the SDK without modifying anything?

I have tested on Win10, Arduino IDE 2.3.2 and SDK version v4.0.6 and its working fine.

I think that it is due to no dnn file
I try to upload via conversion tool but it fails many time
is there any available YOLOV4 Tiny or YOLOV7 Tiny generated

You can find all the available default models in C:\Users{username} \AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\realtek\hardware\AmebaPro2{SDK version}\variants\common_nn_models

For using customized model, you can refer to

rtsp stream enabledNN IRQ default priority : 0, set to 9

VIPLite Drv version 1.12.0

set yolo confidence thresh to 0.500000

set yolo NMS thresh to 0.300000

Deploy YOLOv4t

error: error: vip_create_network.

Set H264 default HIGH profile

Total number of objects detected = 0

error: vipnn not applied

Network URL for RTSP Streaming: rtsp://

which SDK version are you using?
which Arduino IDE?
which example? do you have the link of the demo or source code?

Realtek Ameba Boards(32 bit Arm v8M @500NGHz) version 4.0.6

Arduino IDE2.3.2

Running ObjectDetectionLoop example


VIPLite Drv version 1.12.0

Thank you for the reply. We had tried your env to build and this is no errors. So I would like to suggest you,

I installed Arduino and AMB82-MINI straight-forward on a new notebook. Everything worked fine - also RTSP video streaming was perfect. IDE is v2.3.2, ameba is v4.0.6.


Now I got the same error when trying to experience the given NN face detection sample: error: vipnn not applied

This error is repeated output on serial - the video can be received, but without any OSD.

Trying to increase the NN_SIZE in the linker_scripts → amebapro2_ram_arduino.ld did not work either.

Has anyone an idea for this failure?
Thank you so much for your suggestions!

Hi @HDP,

It should be NA_MODEL instead of DEFAULT_YOLOV3TINY.

Thank you.