AMB82 I2C Help

Hi, I’m currently attempting to connect a BMP280 breakout board to my AMB82-Mini and I’m having issues getting I2C to work. I’ve been using I2C scanning code here: ameba-arduino-d/Arduino_package/hardware/libraries/Wire/examples/I2C_Scanner/I2C_Scanner.ino at dev · Ameba-AIoT/ameba-arduino-d · GitHub

Looking at the serial output, it always tells me that it has found an I2C device at address 0x01, even if there is nothing connected. Is there something else need to be doing to make I2C work?

Hi @Ashish_Justus,

I’m sorry but why are you using the AmebaD SDK for AmebaPro2 (AMB82-Mini)?

Can you try the latest version of AmebaPro2 SDK instead? Let me know if you still face the same issue. When you install the latest version of AmebaPro2 SDK, there is an example called I2C Scanner, which you can just open from the Arduino IDE to compile and upload the code to test.

Thank you.