Your example VL53L1X doesnt work

I tried your example for VL53L1X doesnt work.

I connect it to I2C port at pins 12 and 13, but the initialization always failed.

Hi @nsmith1024,

Please double check on the sensor I2C address.

Thank you.

I used this code at the link below but it always failed.

I set SensorCount to 1, and connect it to I2C pins 12 and 13 on the AMB82-mini.

I have 5K pull ups on both I2C line and XSHUT, still doesnt work, always failed.

As you can see the code sets the I2C address. But it always failed even before it sets the I2C address.

I tried both 3.3V, VUSB, with and without 5K pullups, nothing works. in tried pins 12 and 13 I2C. It always fail at init() function.

This is the board im using:

This is the demo code:

Hi @nsmith1024 ,

Our example only support the VL53L0X IR sensor in our Arduino SDK.

Thank you.