Crash when tone() called during GTimer interrupt


The whole system crashes if a create a timer

    GTimer.begin(0, (1 * 1000 * 200), tick, false, 0);

When the timer times out it calls tick(…) as shown above

If i call tone(pin, freq) inside that tick() function to generate a tone on a pin, it crashes the whole computer and gives this error:

line 3066 file: E:/SDK_Gerrit/amebapro2/SDK_9.6/9.x/component/os/freertos/freertos_v202012.00/Source/tasks.c

But if i call tone(pin, freq) outside of tick() then doesnt crash but works fine.

Is this a bug?


Hi @nsmith1024,

Can you share your code to replicate the issue?

Thank you.