Am trying to use Linux version of the ambd_flash_tool.py. Not sure where i actually downloaded this seperate tool at? When I run this with the ‘erase’ command i get the following:
‘python3 ambd_flash_tool.py erase
Sorry, the device you should have is not plugged in.’
So it does appear it is seeing A device,albiet not a WIO terminal hardware #
This flash tool is suppose to be used the WIO terminal for the rtl8720dn module
Here is a snippet of the python code trying to determine if hardware is suitable for flashing:
def getAllPortInfo():
return comports(include_links=False)
def getAvailableBoard():
for info in getAllPortInfo():
port, desc, hwid = info
ii = hwid.find(“VID:PID”)
#hwid: USB VID:PID=2886:002D SER=4D68990C5337433838202020FF123244 LOCATION=7-3.1.3:1.
if ii != -1:
for b in BOARD_IDS:
(vid, pid) = b[“info”]
if vid == hwid[ii + 8: ii + 8 + 4] and pid == hwid[ii + 8 + 5 :ii + 8 + 5 + 4 ]:
if b[“isbootloader”] == True :
return port, True
return port, False
return None, False
def stty(port):
if port == None:
_port, _isbootloader = getAvailableBoard()
if _port == None:
print(Fore.RED + "Sorry, the device you should have is not plugged in.")
How can i determine with the hardware ID is of my serial connected B&T BW16 rtlduino board is to modify the python script?
I have 4 of these so if I trash one,i can still try three more.