Ameba RTL8722DM Mini

Dear Wyy,

After correct the SWDIO connection, I still get the “Failed to get the CPU status…” message.
( I am trying KM0 Bootloader first…)

  1. shoud I power the board while using SWD ?
    ( USB-plug ? mmm, I had tried…)
  2. Is the SWD interface default on ?
  3. Should I check the eFuse value ? Any eFuse samples by using Arduino?
  4. Any other advise ?

And, one more thing/clue:
1.if I connect the Vref to 3.3V on this Mini board, I’ll get the “J-Link Driver” error first…
if choosing “No” abort, the flow will go to “Failed to get CPU status…” error.
2 If I leave the Vref open, it directly goes into “Failed to get CPU status…” error.

Dear WYY,

Fixed !
I could “download active application” !
The jlink\windows keeps using the old jlink driver…

Thank you for your support …

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